above: All those tacky little knick-knacks, tchotchkes, and whatnots will look a lot nicer if they were placed in this.
Loosely translated from their own words, originally in French:
We (5.5 Designers) created the Meuble à collection (piece of furniture for collections) as a way to immortalize the objects of which we often have difficulty disposing. Ordinarily placed on the mantel, a shelf or buffet, they gradually settle into our environment and we find it difficult to refrain from amassing them. This symptom of the chronic amassing of objects is called 'collecting', an old-fashioned and popular practice in which one gives sentimental value in the context of 'overconsumption'.

Inspired by the small scale 'houses' used to hold perfume bottles, crystal animals and other thingamajigs, this piece of furniture allows you to store and display the objects you covet. It helps to reconcile the passion some have for objects like miniature cars or thimbles with the knowledge that the more that one collects around the house, the more these objects collect dust and take up room.

Material: Made of pine wood, wood-notched niches, bottom in groove.
Dimensions: height:1m98 width:1m90 depth: 24cm.
Color: natural pine.
Price on request and can be purchased from their online shop here.