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Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts

UPDATED: Dumb Starbucks Opens In Los Angeles, Making A Latte Fun Of The Original.

UPDATED 2/11 : Despite earlier reports that graphic designer and artist Marc Horowitz was behind the pop up parody coffee shop, the Los Angeles Times reports that it is actually the brainchild of comedian Nathan Fielder.

Yes, it's true. A faux Starbucks coffee shop named Dumb Starbucks opened in the hipster hood of Los Feliz yesterday to long lines of curious coffee-craving crowds.

With Dumb Cups, Dumb Cafe Umbrellas and even Dumb Music, the strip mall satirical store has a menu that features “Dumb Iced Coffee,” “Dumb Frappuccinos,” and a seasonal “Wuppy Duppy Latte.”

According to a Frequently Asked Questions flyer posted on the door (shown below), the people behind “Dumb Starbucks” are using “parody law” to get around what appears to be blatant copyright infringement.“ By adding the word ‘dumb,’ we are technically ‘making fun’ of Starbucks, which allows us to use their trademarks under a law known as ‘fair use,’” the notice reads.

The parody store, located at 1802 Hillhurst Ave. was giving away free coffee and pastries to those who had to wait longer than an hour yesterday.

The Associated Press reports that "Starbucks says it's trying to contact the people responsible for a "Dumb Starbucks" store that set up shop in Los Angeles this weekend."

"We are aware of this store, and it is not affiliated with Starbucks," spokeswoman Laurel Harper said in an email Monday. "We are evaluating next steps, and while we appreciate the humor, they cannot use our name, which is a protected trademark."

She adds that the vast majority of trademark disputes "are handled informally," suggesting the company will not need to take legal action. - AP

Miley Mocks Herself (And The Government). See The Whole Funny SNL Music Video.

In case you missed it - whether on purpose or by accident, Miley Cyrus' hosting gig on SNL certainly had its moments, the best of which was when Miley and the cast parodied her own song, "We Can't Stop" by giving it a political twist.

Cyrus dressed as Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann with Taran Killam as House Speaker John Boehner suggestively danced and vamped to the new lyrics, which presented a raunchy Republican celebration of the government shutdown.

The full video:

"Cause we came to shut it all down now, no government around now, if you're not ready for healthcare, can I get a 'hell no,'" Cyrus sang while dressed as Bachmann, spanking Uncle Sam, licking Killam as Boehner, and holding and licking an Abraham Lincoln doll. "Government workers on a furlough, even though you're already paid low ... everyone in line for early child care, anyone who planned to see a grizzly bear, we are so shut down yeah."

Some of the best moments:

Miley licks an Abraham Lincoln doll at one point:

The original video's bears are replaced with the GOP elephants:

The Classic Rock Ballad 'Beth' by KISS From Her Point of View (And The True Story).

Anyone who grew up during the 70s and 80s is familiar with the song "Beth" which was written by guitarist Stan Penridge and sung by KISS original drummer, Peter Criss. The song, to which many of my peers slow-danced in school gyms, has been featured or sung on GLEE, American Idol and in numerous movies. We often speculated as to who this "Beth" actually was - and apparently we were not the only ones.

above: at the risk of simultaneously dating myself and freaking out my readers, I actually still have my original single of Beth.

This legendary KISS ballad gets lampooned in this four and a half minute short film directed by Brian Billow of Anonymous Content, shown below. The fictitious story of the song’s inspiration came from the mind of Bob Winter, executive creative director at Crispin Porter + Bogusky in Miami. The Peter Criss character's dialogue stays true to the song's lyrics and the video is perfectly art directed to capture the era. Only flaw? Peter Criss was actually the only KISS member in the studio when the song was recorded for the 1976 album Destroyer*.

As Winter told Adweek previously, "I was thinking that it might be fun to create a series that's like the made-up stories behind real songs."

The truth is not far off. According to Songfacts, Criss and Penridge came up with a song called "Beck," which was about the wife/girlfriend of their guitarist Mike Brand (they were in a band named Chelsea at the time), whose name was Becky. It's rumored she was a hypochondriac and was constantly interrupting their band practices with phone calls asking when Mike was coming home, and the song was a joke directed at him.

In 1976, after Criss joined Kiss, he and Penridge revived the song and with the help of producer Bob Ezrin, they changed the title to "Beth" and made it more sentimental, changing the end of the first verse from: "I know you love complaining, but Beck what can I do?" to "I think I hear them callin', Oh, Beth what can I do?"

Get the whole story behind the Bob Winter and Brian Billow version  here at Adweek.

Director: Brian Billow
Production Company: Anonymous Content
Senior Executive Producer: Eric Stern
Executive Producer, Production: SueEllen Clair
Producer: Paul Ure
Writer: Bob Winter
Director of Photography: Darran Tiernan
Editor: John Dingfield, Beast Editorial
Beth: Lilli Birdsell
Peter: Steven Olson
Kid #1: Michael Hamilton
Kid #2: Robert Hamilton
Ace: Roy Green
Paul: Alec Paul Cartinian
Gene: Rocco Fonzarelli
Roadie: Jason Lee Beckwith
Performer, Beth Piano Intro: Coleman Zurkowski

*source: wikipedia

Punking People Perfectly On April Fool's Day: Virgin Atlantic and Lelo.

On April 1st, otherwise known as April Fool's Day, several brands decided to participate in the fun of pulling one over on their audiences by offering faux products. Two of the best were the Glass-Bottom Plane by Virgin Atlantic and The IKEA-like Vibrator, the GASM, from Lelo.

The World's First Glass-Bottom Plane from Virgin Atlantic

On April 1st, Virgin Atlantic announced on their site and blog that they are now offering flights to Scotland aboard the world's first plane with a transparent glass bottom.

The blog featured a first-person announcement from Mr. Branson of the new technology:
"I’m thrilled to announce that Virgin has created another world-first with the introduction of the technology required to produce the world’s first glass-bottomed plane. This technological innovation coincides with the start of Virgin Atlantic Airways’ first ever domestic service to Scotland.

In 1984 we started the wonderful airline that is Virgin Atlantic. I am incredibly proud of yet another aviation breakthrough which has been years in the making. I can’t wait to experience the first flight for myself with my family and other natural born explorers.

2012 was a year of celebrating what is brilliant about Great Britain and I’m excited that in 2013 we are continuing this uplifting spirit by developing an experience that will enable Little Red passengers to appreciate the beauty of the British landscape. And with an unrivalled view of Scotland I hope this gives Scottish tourism an even bigger boost.

We hope to trial the glass bottom technology with other Virgin airlines in time and have asked other Virgin companies to support this innovative trial and launch our new domestic Scottish route. This really is a team effort from all corners of Virgin." -- By Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group

They even phonied up partnerships for the supposed plane

The UK Mirror's broke the news that the announcement was a joke in a 3pm update of their own article about the plane.

The GASM Personal Vibrator from Lelo

Lelo took their own Swedish heritage into consideration when offering customers the Gasm, their latest green, flat-packed personal vibrator via their site and blog. The hilarious mock product included an instructive video, packaging, line art and instructions perfectly in keeping with the look and tone of the Swedish products offered by IKEA.

Our latest vibrator has a number of exciting features that include:
● Easy self-assembly in as little as 1 minute: put together your own pleasure, and save on production costs!
● On-call LELO representatives available to advise on proper assembly and use of your GӒSM – totally free, 24 hours a day!
● For a greener peace of mind, GӒSM is made from 100% recycled materials like compressed wood pulp and recycled rubber – in a lush shade of forest green!
● GӒSM is powered by a long-lasting battery fully rechargeable with manual hand-crank technology (Allen key included)
● Arrives in new flat-packaging solution for even more savings and reduced environmental impact
● Savings on assembly, shipping and storage go directly to customers, who can get GӒSM for USD 179.99

The announcement ended with the following:
"GӒSM is available from and selected retailers starting within the coming week– visit us again soon and discover how helping the planet can be a pleasure! For any further inquiries or request an opportunity to interview the designers, please contact"

Lelo's was so successful that people continue to request the Gasm from the brand.

Kudos to both brands for a great sense of humor and imagination.

Faith Off. Easter Vs. Passover by Jon Stewart.

As a parent of mixed faith children Jon Stewart thinks Passover celebrants have to take it up a notch to compete with the chocolate eggs and fake grass of Easter. Clearly, he is correct. And hilarious.

10 Ways To Wish Brody & Carrie A Happy Homeland Valentine's Day.

What do the television show Homeland and Valentine's Day have in common? While the award-winning Showtime drama may have more in common with the St. Valentine's Day Massacre than the day of hearts and cupids, copywriter Deanna Director and designer Caroline Director have had some fun combining their love of both to create some funny (and punny) cards to celebrate.

Playing up the character's roles and personality traits combined with cheesy Valentine heart, floral and doily art, they have made ten humorous Valentine's Day Cards that will make Homeland fans giggle.

Check out Deanna's tumblr site, Director's Commentary, here

Check out Carloline's tumblr site here

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