An advertising Art Director and Copywriter have just started their own fashion label, with type and a twist.

They have begun the line with seven 100% wool scarves whose patterns are printed snippets of conversation. Produced in limited editions of 300 each, the scarves can be worn by men or women and in numerous ways.

According to their website, their selection is made based on "a profound love for the written word and an intuitive sense for the popular, the unpopular and the workings of contemporary interpersonal communication". Sounds like advertising creatives to me :)
Claim Your Right To be Contemporary scarf:

Reach Out For The Greater Good scarf:

This Is Only The Beginning scarf:

As Long As It Looks Good scarf:

I Am Not Who you Are Looking For scarf:

I Don't Break Hearts scarf:

I Don't Know scarf:

Scarves are just the beginning... belts, bags and other items will be added to the collection soon.

2018 UPDATE: Sadly, GAUCHE PROTOCOL scarves are no longer in business