above: Jane Doe #2, Unique piece (doe, green sequins, pins), 44cm x 39cm x 28cm
Sandra Musy: la nature vénéneuse was a recent exhibition featuring some seriously glamorous taxidermy -- sparkly stuffed animals of the real variety.
The artist, Sandra Musy, born in 1973, lives and works in Paris and creates in several mediums, one of which is, as you can see, taxidermy. This particular exhibit featured her wall-mounted deer heads and stuffed boars or pigs, ornately decorated with sequins.
The game trophy deer heads have the very clever names of John Doe and Jane Doe and are numbered. Her numbered sequined pigs are called Spider Cochon (or Spider Pigs) and they are a reference to The Simpsons.
The pieces shown below are available for purchase if not yet sold.
Jane Doe #1
Unique piece (doe, black sequins, pins), 44cm x 39cm x 28cm:

John Doe #1
Unique piece (roe deer, black sequins, pins), 50cm x 33cm x 28cm:

John Doe #2
Unique piece (roe deer, silver sequins, pins), 58cm x 38cm x 28cm:

Spidercochon #1 (SOLD)
Unique piece (young wild boar, green sequins, pins), 40cm x 20cm x 10cm:

Spidercochon #2
Unique piece (young wild boar, green sequins, pins), 44cm x 25cm x 14cm:

Spidercochon #3
Unique piece (young wild boar, black sequins, pins), 58cm x 32cm x 22cm:

all above photos courtesy of Arty Dandy

The exhibit was held at Arty Dandy from May 27, 2010- July 31, 2010 and the above pieces, if still available, can be purchased through them. Paris delivery offered, for shipping outside Paris, please contact them at contact@artydandy.com
The invitation to the show:

Soft Panic, an Electronica Psychedelic Pop artist named Wissam Hojeij in Paris, with John Doe #1 and Jane Doe #1, two of Sandra Musy's beautiful beasts:

Photos by Fred Lebain Photography
The Spidercochon below was from a previous show at Toast Gallery:

Sandra Musy's work is very difficult to find. She does not have a website, nor can I find the gallery that represents her, but you can view some of her other works here on Paris Art.
Sandra Musy is the second artist I've written about who uses stuffed dead pigs in her work.

To see the tattooed taxidermy of Wim Delvoye, go here.
Find books about taxidermy here.
Books on Wim Delvoye