Based on a technique and process described later in this post, Drzach & Suchy have created Shadow Casting Panels that that appear as one image in the morning light and another in the evening light. With some clever image choices like Marilyn Monroe becoming Marilyn Manson, it's evolving art that can be used as installations or wall art of several types.

Multiple images are encoded within a single physical object — a white panel, which displays the separate images under appropriate lighting conditions. The underlying principle of our technique is based on a simple observation: the shadow cast by an object depends not only on the object itself, but also on the light; therefore the same object under changing lighting conditions can totally change its appearance.
The technique of encoding multiple images in a panel, so that single images become visible under varying illumination (so-called Shadow Casting Panels), was invented by Drzach in 2004 (patent pending), and then developed further by Drzach & Suchy.

"Moderne" in the morning light:

"Moderne" in the evening light:

"Moderne" in every step in between:


Point Of View (Hitchock's Psycho images):

Pop(e) Culture:


Videos of the light changing art
Obama or McCain:

The process:

Shadow Casting Panels (SCP) is a novel way for storing and presenting multiple images using one physical object. The images to be stored in a panel are first rasterized and converted to a black-and-white format, and then jointly encoded into the panel. More precisely, the images are considered in a pixel-by-pixel manner, and for each pixel of the an appropriate building block is placed at the corresponding place in the panel. The type of the block depends on the colors of the particular pixel in the images to be encoded. The actual blocks can have various geometries, yielding a variety of possible designs and perceptions.
The technique of encoding multiple images in a panel, so that single images become visible under varying illumination (so-called Shadow Casting Panels), was invented by Drzach in 2004 (patent pending), and then developed further by Drzach & Suchy. For more details as to how this works and the process see the original thesis as a pdf here.
If you'd like to purchase or exhibit any of the presented works, or are interested in the Shadow Casting Panels technology, please contact them at DrzachSuchy@gmail.com.

Their website.