Above left: photo of artist and dog lover Moira McLaughlin
Above right: portrait of Moira by Sheila Cameron
She's been an actor's assistant (Kevin Costner), a screenwriter, and a video producer, but says that "being an artist and a blogger has been by far the most satisfying career yet. And, I get to stay home with my Longhaired Dachshund muse, Darby. Perfect!"

above: Moira and Darby
Moira McLaughlin (MORE-a Mc-LOCK-lin) began her career as an artist in 2002 when she made a dog collage for each of her family members for Christmas. They were a huge hit and inspired her to start her company, DreamDogsArt, where she make custom collages and dog art products that she sells worldwide.
Her blog, Dog Art Today, is devoted to daily dog art from around the world. Features include contemporary dog art, the history of dogs in art, dog art auctions, books, posters, fashion and decor. She has lists and links to many dog related sites worth checking out.
Below are some examples of her custom dog collages:

Get pricing info on her custom dog art collages here.
Below are some of her greeting cards:

and some of her limited edition dog art prints:

Her latest endeavor is this fun morphing video of dogs in art throughout history:
Above: 5,000 years of dogs in art. Inspired by Philip Scott Johnson's Women in Art film.
Music: Parlez-Moi D'Amour by CharlElie Couture from The Moderns soundtrack.
For a complete list of the art and the artists within her video shown above, visit her blog, Dog Art Today
Visit her blog here.
Visit her cafepress store here.
Visit her dream dogs art store here.
Visit her etsy store here.