If you don't know Mooqla dolls, you're about to be introduced to a series of exotically featured handmade silicone encased plastic dolls clad in the hippest of fashions. They make even Couture Barbie look like some serious *poor white trash.
With delicate features and an almost pensive, sometimes sullen look, they are simultaneously beautiful and macabre.

Made in Russia by the talented Polina Voloshina, the collection consists of several different 'girls' whose fashions are simply fabulous. The detailing is incomparable and the craftsmanship in both the doll and the clothing is very impressive.

A little American goth, a little Japanese animé, a little French fashion and a lot of Russian craftsmanship and ... voila! Dolls that are stunning, bizarre and yes, expensive.
Meet the girls.
Summer Sonya:





Summer Lora:


Summer Maya:




Summer Tanya:



Summer Anna:

Summer Lisa:

Who's behind these creatures?

above: Moscow artist and creator Polina Voloshina
How the dolls are made.
The doll begins with a drawing by Polina:

then a head is crafted:

a silicone encased plastic body that articulates in nine ways is created:

the doll is then sanded and polished to perfection:

and then clad in stunningly designed fashion ensembles, complete with accessories.
The accessory detailing is really incredible:

Prices start at approximately $350.00 USD for the dolls. Additional outfits start at $79.00 USD.
In France, you can purchase them here.

The newest addition is Bunny:

Or you can buy them from their online store here.
Their logo and corporate identity were designed by the talented art.lebedev studio where you can also purchase some of the dolls.