Five years ago, I first introduced you to artist Soasig Chamaillard and her "Appartitions", repurposed religious statuettes of the Madonna (a post in which the photos have been recently updated.)

Since that time, the project has been ongoing, despite the controversy over her work, and Soasig has continued to take existing figurines of the Virgin Mary and re-imagine them as pop culture icons like Star Wars' Obi Wan Kenobi, Hello Kitty, Super Mario, Sailor Moon, My Little Pony, A Beauty Pageant Winner, Power Rangers, Vampires, Cowboys and Indians and even Astronauts. They are only getting better. See for yourself.
Hello Mary:

Nouvelle lune (New Moon):

Vierge de couleur (Holy color/Paint By Numbers):

Marie Rockstar (Rockstar Mary):

Sainte Force (Holy Force):

Super Marie O (Super Mary O):

Sainte Moon ( Holy Moon):

Sang Pitié (Bloody Mercy):

Disparition ( Disappearance):

Sainta Claus:

Nouvelle Bible ( New Bible):

Sainte Lumière (Holy Light):


Sioux Marie (Sioux Mary):

Sainte John (St. John after John Wayne):

Rainbow Land:

Sainte Miss:

Holy Pocket:

My Little Mary:

Force Rose et al (Pink Power Ranger et al.) Power Rangers:

Vierge au petit robot (Virgin Mary with little robot):

For the prices and availability of statues contact info@galerie-albane.com

Art paper posters, like those shown above, in limited series of 50 copies are signed and for sale through the Albane Gallery website.
"Apparitions", édité par la Galerie Albane
Format : 28x21 cm, 56 pages
Prix : 25 euros
Buy it here
"NouvellesApparitions", édité par la Galerie Albane
Format : 30,5x20 cm, 66 pages
Prix : 25 euros
Buy it here
Soasig Chamaillard
Don't Forget to see her earlier Apparitions here