It's no secret I've been a fan of Scott Campbell's work for awhile now, having written about him numerous times. The Brooklyn-based tattoo artist has quickly became a celeb favorite and force in the art world. He's inked Marc Jacobs (both Marc and Scott have his "Bros before Hos" tatts), created leather bags for Louis Vuitton (and drew faux tatts on the runway models with a Sharpie marker), cut up currency, burnt tortillas and is now drawing inside broken Ostrich eggs with graphite.

above: It's a skull. It's a woman. It's both. And beautifully rendered on the interior of an Ostrich Egg shell by Scott Campbell.
His untitled eggs feature tattoo-like imagery delicately rendered on the interior of the shells. The eggs illustrate the juxtaposition between birth (the eggs) and death (the morbid skeletal imagery inside them).

The image used to promote his first west coast show, Noblesse Oblige, at the OH WOW gallery in 2011:

Scott Campbell:

images courtesy of Scott Campbell, OH WOW Gallery and Marc Jancou Contemporary