20 new wickedly fun pairs of cotton blended socks say what you probably can't. Sarcastic and mostly bitter, the colored socks come in designs broken into 4 different general styles, with 5 styles in each category. Retro illustrated socks featuring people with fun sayings, bright colors with graphics and fun sayings, plaid floral socks with the sayings on a hang tag, and socks that mix tools and construction items with flowers and fun sayings.

All 20 styles shown below:
Fuck This Shit:

Don't Change:

Sock Whore:

Three Days of Cramps Makes Me a Total Badass:

You're Not The Boss Of Me:

Carpe The Fuck Out Of This Diem:

I Have Mood Swings:

Love Is Being Stupid Together:

Men Ruin Stuff:

It's My Parents Fault:

They Don't Want You To, But I Say Do It:

You're Not Obsessive,You're Compulsively Awesome:

Screwing Up Is Part Of The Program:

Kick This Day In Its Sunshiny Ass:

Your Ass is Grass:

Pretty Hammered:

Perfectly Screwy:

Easy To Squeeze:

A Little Mixed Up:

Bright and Beautiful:

The socks are a combination of cotton, nylon and spandex for both comfort and to hold their shape. They come in Women's shoe size 5-10.

In addition, 1% of the sale of these socks supports the humanitarian work of Doctors Without Borders

Only $9.99 a pair, they make great gifts. Shop for them here at Blue Q