This structure was designed by Sébastien Cordoleani and built by glass artist and craftsman Vincent Breed, to invite fish to “take a breather,” extending the limitations of the usual tank or aquarium.

above two photos © Erick Saillet
The Echappée (or Extension) was created for the show 15 Designers, 15 Artisans held in Saint-Etienne in December 2010. Each pair had about 2 months to meet up, think, design and make the pieces, with only a dimension constraint of 60 x 60 x 60 cm.

The purpose of this project, initiated by Emilie Colin Garros, Philippine Lemaire and David des Moutis in summer 2010, was to promote a mode of creation based on the proximity and to reflect the possibility of innovation and creation in a framework where the discussion and the transmission of technical and practical knowledge are possible. It has subsequently traveled including a 2011 exhibition at the French boutique Merci during Designer's Days.

above: The aquarium at the Merci Boutique exhibit.
It is made up of a basin from which a water pipe rises into space, beyond the usual physical limits of an aquarium. By overflowing it offers new horizons to the fish and those who contemplate them. The means to achieve this being simply the application of the physical phenomena of surface tension. The bubble is the central element, a technical challenge for the glass-blower who, by blowing out and sucking in air, will give it the appearance of flowing water.
Echappée (Extension) 2005-2010
Dimensions : basin : L 60, W 40, H 11 cm / extension : L 40, W 30 x H 40 cm
Material : glass
images courtesy of Sébastien Cordoleani , Domus, and Design Parade – villa Noailles,