Pop Culture artist Ron English has long incorporated pop culture icons into paintings from well-known artists like Picasso, Manet and Warhol.
His "Secret History of KISS" continues the tradition by applying the famous face make up worn by Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley and Peter Criss of the rock band KISS onto the faces of maidens and Madonnas in the well-known paintings of the Old Masters.

above: The Rock Band Kiss in full face make-up
These were exhibited as “The Secret History of Kiss” at The Shooting Gallery in San Francisco:
Apples and Oranges:

Bountiful Gene:

Frehley With fruit:

Here Comes The Son:

Kiss Consultation:

King Gene:

Kiss Well:

Kissed By An Angel:

Lady In Waiting:

Peter and Paul:

The Great Paint Baptism:

Kiss The Bride:

Kiss The Bride (detail):

These lesser seen images, below, were on exhibit in 2007 at Basel Miami Beach, courtesy the Shooting Gallery:
Kiss Ace Lamb:

Kiss Monkey On My Back:

Miracle of The Milk Kiss:

The Kissening:

The Shooting Gallery in San Francisco
Ron English