My friend Betsy Wills asked me if I'd ever been to the Viktor & Rolf boutique in Milan. I told her I hadn't and asked her why. She told me that her husband, a talented builder, was going to be creating an upside down room in their new home, like that in the Viktor & Rolf boutique in Italy.
So, I had to check it out, of course.
Wow. If you've never been to the Dutch designers' Viktor & Rolf Boutique in Italy, it's quite unusual. The entire store is designed upside-down.
That's right, the floor is on the ceiling, the ceiling on the floor.
The outside window displays have chandelier's sprouting from the floor and even their store signage on the windows is upside-down.
The only thing right side up are the clothes and prices, of course.
It's really amazing as you'll witness by the following photos. Just looking at them makes me a little sick to my stomach, but not as much as the prices for their clothes do.

So, if you find yourself in Milan, toss back a few Dramamine and go on in to see this unsual example of visual merchandising,architecture and interior design.
More Viktor & Rolf

Check out this video about A Year In the Making Of A Fashion House
Viktor & Rolf: Because We're Worth It.
A film called FASHION DISSECTION, Narrated by Tilda Swinson.
Tilda Swinton explains that Viktor & Rolf are like scientists who are not disturbed by surface or sensation but rather calmly dissect and deduce fashion organisms.

Buy the dvd here.
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•Viktor & Rolf Say "NO" To Fashion

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