Goodbye Fatboy, Hello Cowch!
Awhile back I wrote a post about Fatboy products. And it wasn't the most flattering. Why?
Because I saw FatBoy as the New Millenium version of the 70's bean bag chair. And very overpriced.
But now I've spotted the Cowch (no pun intended). And this, in my humble opinion, is a bean bag chair worth buying. (by the way, these are not the "cowches' that are made to look like real stuffed animal toys, that's a different company)
Not only does it look incredibly comfortable, but it looks expensive ---and it is-- and as though it won't end up in rec rooms and flea markets in several years.

Above: Each one is unique and large enough for two people.

Cowches measure 140cm x 170 cm and are made with real cow skins on the upper side, Bisonyl on the under side. They have quality four time stitching and are filled with 100% recycled polystyrene.

You can choose from multiple real skin options:

Above: available skins and Walter Bak, the designer and founder of Schaalwerk
Made in Holland, they ship to all countries!
"Cowch is developed by Schaalwerk, a young designers collective based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. At Schaalwerk we aim for designing and creating usable durable products. Besides designing our own products we also do interior decoration projects and custom handmade furniture. Besides creating the designs and the conceptual studies we also manufacture/realize the products.
Cowch, is one of our original designs. It is a tough and sturdy beanbag that can be used in many ways and in all kinds of locations. The used materials make it a unique product. Cowch is already sold in countries all over the world.
They are made in Holland cost 699 euros each (approx $1040.00 USD).
Buy it here.
Or here.
or contact them directly for any questions here.