I introduced you to the Art Production Fund's Works On Whatever last year when I first told you about their artist beach towel series and then again , this past week when I introduced you to the new 2008 artist series beach towels.
Now, in addition to the cool beach towels, WOW has come out with this fabulous vinyl Christmas Tree wall sticker in collaboration with Wallpaper LAB and designer Marilyn Minter.

A self-adhesive vinyl sticker
No more watering a dead tree, no more fire hazard, no more vacuuming up pine needles well into April. It's a truly 'green' Christmas tree: reduce, reuse, recycle this vinyl sticker year after year. Save the trees, save water, save your back from schlepping it all the way home. No religion, no broken ornaments. It's a Christmas tree for the moderately wealthy and super lazy.
Minter will collaborate with Wallpaper LAB and WOW (Works on Whatever) to create a six-foot die-cut vinyl wall-sticker that addresses the powerful and ubiquitous symbol of the season: The Christmas Tree. Minter styled a small tree with her own eclectic collection of shiny ornaments, lighting and photographing it in a way that merges crisp detail with gauzy soft-focus radiance. The photograph is further transformed on the way to the decal: the image is enlarged and an archetypical Charlie Brown cartoon die-cut shape is enforced as the template for the tree.
The self-adhesive vinyl tree can be applied directly to the wall, by either removing the paper back or simply pinning it; a boon to the space-challenged apartment dweller with a sense of humor. Each limited edition "Merry Merry" tree comes rolled in a tube with four decal ornaments and a star and retails for $180. The "Merry Merry" star can be purchased separately for $25. 1/3 of the proceeds go to support public art through Art Production Fund.

About Wallpaper LAB:
Wallpaper LAB is a publisher of limited edition artist wallpaper. Founded by Ron Keyson in 2006, WL collaborates with contemporary artists to translate their studio works into conceptually heroic wallpaper and wall stickers. From freeze framing the entirety of Douglas Gordon's video masterpiece Play Dead, Real Time to digitally super scanning Phoebe Washburn's plywood blowout Wood Wall sculpture, invited artists are challenged to pull the domestic world of wallpaper into their own aesthetic gravitational center. The inaugural exhibition at Lennon Weinberg Gallery in 2006 wrapped the entire 3000 square foot gallery space with fifteen original artist's wallpapers, the result being a seamless visual battle of the bands. Wallpaper LAB is represented in New York City by Artware Editions.
For more information and installation views please see: www.wallpaperlab.com or www.artwareeditions.com
About WOW:
WOW (Works on Whatever) is a unique collection of everyday items designed by artists. The revenues from sales go into public art. APF invites artists to experiment with the latest commercial materials and techniques to bring art off the walls and into homes as everyday objects. WOW introduces contemporary art to a larger community, with profits supporting Art Production Fund�s mission dedicated to producing ambitious public art projects, reaching new audiences and expanding awareness through contemporary art. Projects include: SHOW, Vanessa Beecroft, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1998; FISCHERSPOONER: LA, performance, 2001; Keith + Farrah, collaborative exhibition by Keith Edmier and Farrah Fawcett, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and The Andy Warhol Museum, 2003; PLAN B, Rudolf Stingel summer 2004, Grand Central's Vanderbilt Hall and The Walker Art Center; Prada Marfa, Elmgreen & Dragset, Valentine, TX, 2005; Greeting Card, Aaron Young, Park Avenue Armory, 2007. APF Co-Founders : Yvonne Force Villareal and Doreen Remen, Director of Operations: Casey Fremont.
For more information please see: www.worksonwhatever.com

just the star
12 inch removable vinyl sticker- $25.00
Buy it here.

full tree kit
(1) 58 x 48 inch vinyl tree sticker (1) 12 inch star (4) ornaments
Buy it here.