Beginning next week will be the first Vienna Design Week.

Described as:
First VIENNA DESIGN WEEKs, 3 – 21 October 2007
Vienna presents itself as a lively location for product design
The VIENNA DESIGN WEEKs from 3 to 21 October 2007 will concentrate all the dynamic variety of contemporary Austrian design under a single roof for the first time. It will represent a self-confident Austrian-Viennese entry to the international calendar of festivals and fairs. For a period of two-and-a-half weeks Vienna will present itself as a pulsating creative location. Under the label VIENNA DESIGN WEEKs a variety of important institutions and protagonists as well as partners from the world of business will come together. Creative designers will link with the producers of design objects. The VIENNA DESIGN WEEKs, which will be held annually, hone the perception of design, illustrate different approaches and, above all, stimulate a delight in design.
Here's a sneak peek at some of the items from their Young Swiss Design Entrants:

Above: Bold Chair by BIG GAME
Foto: Milo Keller

Above: Emanuelle Jaques & Constanza Candamil-Cabral, board games of felt and Swarovski-Crystals
Foto: ECAL/Anoush Abrar

Above:Joker Ceramic Vase by Nicole Aebischer for B&B Italia
Foto: B&B Italia

Above:“Chain” carpet by Adrien Rovero
Foto: Philippe Jarrigeon

Above: reLEAF by Fulguro, 2006 is an aluminium covered leaf that collects rain water
Foto: Fulguro

Above:Bett Tine by Raimund Gamerith (722 KB @ 300dpi)
Foto: Raimund Gamerith

Above(f.l.t.r.): Neigungsgruppe Design, Thomas Geisler, Lilli Hollein, Tulga Beyerle
Foto: Katharina Gossow
the main sponsors:

Press Contact
juicy pool – communication & cultural management
Beatrix Roidinger
Sprengersteig 21
A-1160 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-481 54 54/20
E-Mail: beatrix.roidinger@juicypool.com
Further Information VIENNA DESIGN WEEKs
Greta Jamkoijan
Margaretenstrasse 96/1
A - 1050, Wien
Phone: +43-1-91 343 56
E-Mail: office@viennadesignweek.at