New Orleans' Flavor Paper has lots of great wallpaper designs. Most unusual are their actual Scratch and Sniff wallpapers, Jon Sherman's Fishnet, and Dan Funderburgh's new urban looking toile called City Park and his tongue in cheek Nouveau Riche.
The Fruit Cocktail Collection of scratch & sniff wallpapers was released at Wonderland for NY Design Week 2007. They can print it without scent if preferred, but then why would you want it? “The Fruit Cocktail Collection” by Michael Angelo for Flavor Paper features designs called Cherry Forever, Tutti Frutti, and B-a-n-a-n-a-s. Cherry Forever is included in the permanent collection at the Smithsonian Institution’s Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.

Designed by Michael Angelo
Screens: 4 to 6
Colors Achieved: 5
Pattern Repeat: 12 inches
Side-to-side Match:
Eighth Drop
27”×15’ roll retail price:
Cherry Forever

Designed by Michael Angelo
Screens: 2 to 5
Colors Achieved: 3 to 4
Pattern Repeat: 10 inches
Side-to-side Match:
Straight Across
27”×15’ roll retail price:
Tutti Frutti

Designed by Michael Angelo
Screens: 6 to 8
Colors Achieved: 7
Pattern Repeat: 18 inches
Side-to-side Match:
Eighth Drop
27”×15’ roll retail price:
In addition to those, Dan Funderburgh created City Park, another take on the traditional toile or damask looking wallpaper. From afar, it looks like something that might be in the ladies room of a fancy hotel, but upon close inspection one can see the parking meters, rats and fire hydrants:
City Park

Designed by Dan Funderburgh
Screens: 1
Colors Achieved: 2
Pattern Repeat: 20 Inches
Side-to-side Match:
Straight Across
27”×15’ roll retail price:
Nouveau Riche

Designed by Dan Funderburgh
Screens: 1
Colors Achieved: 2
Pattern Repeat: 54 inches
Side-to-side Match:
straight across
27”×15’ roll retail price:

Designed by Jon Sherman
Screens: 1
Colors Achieved: 2
Pattern Repeat: 19 inches
Side-to-side Match:
Straight Across
27”×15’ roll retail price:

The above is only a small sampling of what they have to offer. Be sure to see all of their selections of hand printed and vintage wallpapers on their site.