Zune, Microsoft's MP3 player, which sold like hotcakes this past holiday, has an impressive visual arts site that has terrific animated films, wallpaper, icons and posters. All available for download or just entertainment.
The entire site is a delight and certainly more interesting than watching silhouetted people -even if it is Mary J. Blige, grooving to music (sorry Apple and TBWA/chiat).
Just look at four examples (of many) of the latest films on zune-arts and I bet you'll be sure to register on their site. Even if you own an ipod.
Below are the following animated films.
Swap Meet by Against all odds with music by The Deadly Syndrome, Generous Monster by Bitstate with music by Lily Allen, Moodbot Rob Shaw with Bitterweet Music, and Two Little Birds By Motion Theory with music by The Ashtar Command
Be sure to turn up your volume, the music on these is fabulous-of course.
For more information on the creative forces behind these films, visit http://www.zune-arts.net/
Go here to see many more fabulous animated films, wallpapers, music and more.