The Vision:
The Bunkie is like a cool, modern playhouse for grown-ups. The prefab structure is a collaborative effort between industrial design firm 608 Design and architectural design firm BLDG Workshop. The two companies share an intense admiration for the other's work and an affinity for seeking new answers to old problems and processes. In the case of the Bunkie, this involves reduced impact materials and adopting CNC detailing from furniture manufacturing for use in pre-fab construction.

The Plan
The need for this architectural type is easily identified, re-born to function more beautifully with regards to its purpose and aesthetics. By maintaining a transparent view of the site, the Bunkie is integrated into the landscape. Its multi-use nature responds to both expanding families and recreational applications via three operating modes: open, play and sleep.

The Bunkie Co.
images and information courtesy of 608 Design, BLDG Workshop and The Bunkie Co.