Combining the ancient craft of lace making with the industrial chain link, Dutch design house Demakersvan has changed the idea of enclosing spaces with their Lace Fences.

Using a high-end metal fabric, they are able to craft various fencing, from antique lace floral to contemporary designs and custom art patterns.

Every fence they create is unique in its design by its craft and assembled patterns, which come in a variety of themes.
some available patterns:

Available for either indoors our outside, the Lace Fence illustrates how something which was meant to be purely functional can also be decorative.
Here are some examples of their beautiful work.

To purchase a custom Lace Fence or learn more visit lacefence.com
You can also choose from their pre-made Lace Fence designs at Droog.
About Demakersvan:

From fantasy to factory, from statement to product, Dutch design house Demakersvan combines the old and the new, the industrial and the crafted, the hostile and the kind. Founded in 2005 by Joep Verhoeven, Jeroen Verhoeven and Judith de Graauw, Dutch design house Demakersvan has reached remarkable success within a short time. They are the designers behind the famous Cinderella table, which has been acquired by Victoria & Albert Museum, MoMA New York and Centre Pompidou. Refusing a limitation to one category the trio works with museums, architecture, furniture and fashion companies on commercial work and self-initiated projects. The studio is based in the Netherlands, and its production unit is based in Bangalore, India.