The news that Porsche was going to be releasing bikes designed with Rennsport broke in early July of this year. The high-end bicycles have finally come to market and with a Porsche-like price as well. The two new Porsche Design bikes consist of the aluminum frame Porsche Bike S and the carbon fiber frame Porsche Bike RS.

The Porsche Bike RS
weighs 9 kg, with a monocoque construction high-end carbon frame, 29” Crank Brothers wheels, Magura hydraulic disc brakes and a 20 gear Shimano XTR derailleur with optimized graduation:

Porsche Bike RS retails for $8,538
The Porsche Bike S
weighs 12kg with a hydroformed aluminum frame, 29" high-quality and puncture protection wet grip wheels, Magura hydraulic disc brakes and a maintenance-free toothed belt drive:

Porsche Bike S retails for $4,775
See your local Porsche dealer for more information.
images courtesy of Porsche Bike and Top Speed