The Schwimmhausboot is a floating barge or houseboat named the Silberfisch (silver fish)in Oldenberg, Germany.
The Interior design and furniture was created by by Flo Florian and Sascha Akkermann of the design firm confused-direction and built by Die Schreinermeisterei
-Kitchen with refrigerator, dishwasher, gas stove, oven-E

Floor Resofloor in "gray prismatic" by Lars Contzen:

Heater "Bullerjan" 11kW with manual lighting
Bathroom with shower, Bio-Toilet, Grauwassertank-1500L with integr. pump, washing machine

details of furnishings:

Panorama windows in the living room:

Green Roof :

Roof Terrace 17m ²

Sleeping level with panoramic views

-ventilated facade Resoplan "Silver Beaver", 6mm
Insulation made of hemp and wood fibers
-Beams construction:
Window frames made of wood / Painted
Window Mounts facade in Larch / untreated
Preparing for Solar / Photovoltaic
All exterior wood in larch / untreated

Length: 14.22 m
Width: 4,22 m
Height: 4.6 m + 0.9 m
Draft: 0.53 m
Weight: 13.6 tons
Size: inside 40 m² + 5.5 m² bedroom level
Total foreign 33m ², of which 17m ² roof terrace

Wanna see more cool 'floating' and Undewater residences?
then check these out:
The Poseidon Underwater Resort and H2Ome.
The Bouroullec Brother's Floating House
Oceanic Creations floating hotels and offices