In case you missed it - whether on purpose or by accident, Miley Cyrus' hosting gig on
SNL certainly had its moments, the best of which was when Miley and the cast parodied her own song, "
We Can't Stop
" by giving it a political twist.
Cyrus dressed as Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann with Taran Killam as House Speaker John Boehner suggestively danced and vamped to the new lyrics, which presented a raunchy Republican celebration of the government shutdown.
The full video:
"Cause we came to shut it all down now, no government around now, if you're not ready for healthcare, can I get a 'hell no,'" Cyrus sang while dressed as Bachmann, spanking Uncle Sam, licking Killam as Boehner, and holding and licking an Abraham Lincoln doll. "Government workers on a furlough, even though you're already paid low ... everyone in line for early child care, anyone who planned to see a grizzly bear, we are so shut down yeah."
Some of the best moments:
Miley licks an Abraham Lincoln doll at one point:
The original video's bears are replaced with the GOP elephants: