Inspired by artist Nir Hod's series of oil on mirror paintings entitled The Night You Left, Hod bottles the recurring themes of introspection and longing contemplated in this body of work into a functional object: a set of four mirrored coasters, lined with digitally printed white powder.

The paintings that inspired the coasters:

above: Nir Hod, 2007 and 2001, The Night You Left, oil on black mirror
Decadent and eye-catching, the coasters are backed with black velvet and are housed in a sleek black box.

Available in two different sets of four (black or gold) for $95 or in two special limited edition sets (red and pink for valentine's Day) for $180, the 4" x 4" mirrored coasters give the 3D illusion of having freshly cut lines of cocaine.

The title of the editioned set, The Night You Left, suggests a lonely narrative, a moment of solitude when one might turn to drugs not for glamour or excitement, but for revelry and longing. “There is a certain magic in loneliness,” Hod explains, “you have to be alone to create.” He adds, “It’s not about drugs or glamour—it’s about the inside world, where you can dream and love and seek a greater truth—it’s about a feeling of being connected to something so human.”
buy the Black or Gold editions here
Limited collectors editions in red and pink are available at the PK store from Paul Kasmin Gallery