An equal opportunity exploiter, it's only fair I share some sexy male pics with my readers after having had posted the 2014 SI Swimsuit Models wearing nothing but body paint.
Vice Magazine's Groin Gazing fashion editorial gives us a look at... well, groins. Twenty-one of them to be exact, each dressed in a various fashion stereotype. The male member is sexily implied and outlined in men's apparel in these intimate photos by Montreal-based photographer and artist Claire Milbrath.
The Boyfriend (Robert Geller top, vintage pants):

The Artist (Stussy Delux jacket, Dockers pants):

The Basketball Player (American Apparel shirt, Nike shorts and socks):

The Boy Next Door (Diesel underwear):

The Weightlifter (American Apparel shorts):

The Tennis Player (Paul Smith shirt, Thom Browne shorts):

The Businessman (Filippa K shirt, vintage suit):

The Skater (Wings + Horns top, Levi's jeans):

The Stoner (Stussy shirt, Alexander Wang pants):

The Chongo (Givenchy top, Dickies bottoms):

The Chiller (Vintage top, Barena pants):

The Student (Engineered Garments top, Yaecca pants):

The Cop (Vintage shirt, pants):

The Raver (Stussy sweatshirt, Bape x Stussy pants):

The Handyman (A.P.C. + Carhartt shirt, Acne jeans):

The Pool Boy (American Apparel swim trunks):

The Dad (Tommy Hilfiger boxers, Fillipa K shirt, S.N.S. Herning cardigan):

The Frenchman (S.N.S. Herning top, vintage pants):

The Hunter (Browning top, A.P.C. jeans):

The Eurotrash Guy (Stussy top, Kappa pants):

and lastly, The Logger (Givenchy shirt, Acne jeans):

Vice Magazine
Photographer: Claire Milbrath
Stylist: Mila Franovic
Assistant: Darby Milbrath
Models: Brandon, Martin, Bazhad, and Alejandro