Artist Dean 'Zeus' Coleman likes to create unusual fish tanks* as well as compelling 3D Graffiti sculptures and other wonderful fine art. His latest is the Lovefish, a tank made of heated and curved glass pieces that literally spell out the word LOVE.

The Making Of The Tank:
Creating the tank required curved wood forms hand-crafted by Dean and protected with aluminum upon which heated glass was placed and secured until cooled. After the glass cools into the proper shapes, the tank is then assembled.
The curved wood forms designed to create the letters and shapes of the fish tank:

Heating and bending the glass over the wood forms lined with metal:

The heated glass is then set between the metal-lined curved wood forms and weighted down so it conforms to the shapes while cooling:

Once the glass has cooled into shape, the forms are then put together using a large stencil as a guide:

And Voila!

Now, add some water...

...some fun (Dean and a friend peering into the tank):

and some fish:

The final, finished tank:

If you didn't see my post on his Graffiti Fish Tank (shown below) and other work, check that out here
*Whenever I post about unusual and artful fish tanks (such as Dean's previous Graffiti Fish Tank), aquarium afficionado's often comment on how inadequate the tanks are (not enough room for the fish, not enough plants, no filter, etc.) Please keep in mind these are often art installations and not meant for mass production and use.