Created by Studio Hergebruik in Rotterdam, the tuliptoaster is a functioning lamp that functions when you press down the taoster button, illuminating the lightblbs withint the faux tulips placed inside the toaster. Available in various colors as seen below.

Studio Hergebruik, Rotterdam
Around 1990 several young Dutch designers started work suddenly with waste materials. Most known became Piet Hein Eek and Tejo Remy who formed, under the influence of the punk movement, their resisted against the wasting society and operating with a anti-design mentality. Except for aesthetic reasons also ecological ideals (re-use) played an important role. This development uses ideas from historical movements as the Pop Art and the Art Povera.
At that time Eek and Remy were imitated a lot and nowadays there is again a new generation that is using waste materials in their designs. For them above all ideological goals are important.
For more information or to order the tuliptoaster, go here.