Maybe it's because I'm a native Californian, but I've never really given radiators a lot of thought. That is not until I started coming across some of these in my dutiful quest for what's hip. Did you all know that so many unusual radiators were out there?
It's A Sculpture. It's Art. No, It's A Radiator.

The following images are just a few of radiators on the market available for purchase. These aren't protoypes, these are the real deal. Some are so amazingly beautiful, you'd want them even in the warmest of climates.
Like say, California.

you can find radiators like these and many more at the following sites:
Since this post, I have written 2 more and larger posts on radiators. Check them out!
Cool Designs To Keep you Warm
Caleido's Newest Rockin' Radiators