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The Street Art Easter Eggs That Would be Perfect For Banksy. Or Any Graffiti Fan.

So, what would be the perfect Easter Egg for Banksy? Definitely one of the Edible Easter Eggs from this collection of Street Art Easter chocolates from Paris-based Jadis et Gourmande.

The Globe Storage Cabinet by Studio Job for Gufram.

This freestanding whimsical piece of storage furniture was created by Studio Job for Gufram of Italy, who is known for their playful polyurethane foam furnishings. The armoire or wardrobe cabinet is set with a soft polyurethane foam globe in the center which stays in place whether the doors are open or closed.

Pierre Hermé Creates An Edible Easter Homage To Artist Beat Zoderer

Swiss Artist Beat Zoderer is best known for his multi-banded colored metal sculptures which spherical ones resemble rubber band balls, globes and eggs. When Paris based confectioner Pierre Hermé first encountered Zoderer's work, he admired his paintings before discovering the singular power and grace of his metal sculptures. This led Hermé to the idea of paying tribute to the sculptor by freely taking inspiration from it.

Paul Flowers' Funky Nomad Bathroom Furnishings Mix Corian With Wood.

At the 2014 IMM Cologne international Furniture Fair DuPont™ Corian® exhibited the concept study for bathroom furnishings, "Modern Nomads", with designs by Paul Flowers, chief designer of Grohe AG. The collection of four pieces combines Corian® Glacier White and Corian® Deep Nocturne with Oak, textiles and chrome details.

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