Bathtubs for couples are growing more and more popular. The Yin Yang tub, named because its compartments emulate the Asian symbol, has a lot of the bells and whistles that other new luxury spa equipment has (led lights, massage bubbles, music, etc.) but the tub is designed with two separate compartments so that friends, family and other 'pairs' can bathe together as well. Plus you don't have to lay around in someone's dirty bathwater (other than your own, of course).
The Yin Yang couple tub allows each individual to control their own water temperature, bubbles, and colored lights.
above: The tub can be used by only one individual as well.
The integrated soundwave massage means the loudspeakers are actually in the tub so one experiences musical vibrations in their body as well as being able to hear the music and each tub has four high performance color spots to create the atmospheric light - you can even have a rainbow lighting effect if you want a disco bathing experience.
The intense bubbly massage is a result of 120 water and air nozzles. The air mixes with the water through the Hydroxeur® principle and stays stored in the water for minutes (this is called the champagne effect).
The bath comes with optional handles and is delivered with a special frame for tiling on-site and can be clad with ceramics or wood. In addition, each tub has a hand shower and thermostat that operate separately.
The shared experience doesn't come cheap, with the tub priced at a whopping $55,619.12 USD
The Yin Yang Couple Tub by
Trautwein received an award at the "GOLDEN WAVE 2013" for being one of the most innovate new designs in the Swimspas and Saunas categories.