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Fun New Finds From David Weeks

For those of you who miss Butter NY (I know I do) it's good to know that David Weeks Studio is still going strong. An extremely talented designer best known for his interiors and lighting in retail, restaurant and retail applications, he has come out with a few new super fun products for 2007.

Above: David Weeks in his Brooklyn studio

David Weeks does it again. And again.
First fun new release, coming next month (April) are these 3 fun and funky silicone resin Gorilla ashtrays!
Now with a Robot theme and a Skull theme as well.

Spring 07A new edition of the Gorilla ashtray will be in stores starting in April.
Produced by Areaware, the silicone ashtrays will be offered in three versions, to suit the domestic requirements of goths, geeks, and primate lovers.

Above: Close-up of one of David Weeks' new silicone ashtrays, the Robzilla

above: The Skullrilla ashtray

Now in pink

In addition to those, he has designed these three new votives for Kikkerland (see below):

Where can you get them?
the candles will be available for sale at the gift shop of the Santa Monica Museum of Art in May.

And, as a dog lover, I couldn't very well forget to introduce you to Shiner Stout-Weeks, David's hound labrador mix:

Product Pick Of The Week:The Erosion Sink by Gore Design Co.

Gore Design Company's Erosion Sink combines the best of nature, design and functionality. And clearly, I am not the only one who thinks so. Recipient of positive press and even awards, this sink is a winner for both your home and the environment.

When Your Decor Kills Your Date Life

Great article from today's New York Times with some added photos and commentary by me.

"It's not you, It's your apartment"
Published: March 29, 2007
all photos by Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times

DATING is fraught with disappointments, so you can imagine how delighted a single woman might be to find someone like Albert Podell — particularly after she Googles him and learns how rich he is. Last year, Mr. Podell, a 70-year-old lawyer, gave N.Y.U. Law School $2.9 million. He goes out four nights a week, to the opera, symphony or theater. He is well read. He says he has traveled to 162 countries.

Above: An Acquired Taste Albert Podell, a wealthy lawyer, has a rent-stabilized apartment filled with souvenirs from travels that has changed little since 1973. “What do I need a fancy place for?” he said. Women have complained about everything from his home’s size to the “glamour photos” of ex-girlfriends.

Then comes that magic evening when the woman is ready to go back to his place.

“It’s totally unchanged, like it was when I went to law school in 1973, a time warp,” Mr. Podell says of his small one-bedroom in SoHo, a description that seems plausible, given the hot pink living room with the futon seating and the fraying contact paper on the kitchen cabinets.

The place is also dimly lighted, which, once you examine the kitchen nook in daylight, is probably not such a bad thing. The cabinets hold nothing but a six-month supply of powdered milk for Mr. Podell’s cereal, so that he can keep his trips to the supermarket to a minimum; the Formica countertop is peeling; the stove has been disconnected from the gas feed. (Mr. Podell, who usually eats out, sees no reason to waste fuel.)

All these things have proved detriments to love, but none so effectively as his sheets. Mr. Podell likes the ones from the ’60s and ’70s that tell a story: sheets with intergalactic battles or pink hippopotami or the Beatles. Since these are no longer available in adult-bed sizes, Mr. Podell’s sheets are now 30 to 40 years old. The fading is such that a person who saw one in a Salvation Army bin, having lost everything she owned in a fire, would remind herself that there was no reason to be desperate. The fading, however, was apparently not the reason that the sheets became a deal breaker.

above: Albert Podell said his sheets had sabotaged at least one romance.

“I was dating this very nice woman, I thought,” says Mr. Podell. “I was ready and she was ready to do the big deed. I take her to my apartment, go into the bedroom, and fling back the sheets, and she said, ‘My husband had these sheets and he was a mean-hearted son of a bitch and you must be like him and I’m leaving.’ ”

Spring is here and the restaurants will soon be filled with anxious and hopeful couples, ordering wine, dusting off their most luminous lies, thinking they might finally have found love. Then they will see their dates’ homes for the first time. And suddenly some of them will realize that they cannot be with this person a moment longer — or at the very latest, because that wine was not cheap, beyond the next morning. A few whose homes have been romantic deal breakers may, like Mr. Podell, know what went wrong and choose to ignore it, seeing their apartments as a reflection of their brave refusal to bow to conventional taste.

“There have been at least 40 women who’ve said, why do you live here?” he says.

Make that 41. Why does he live here?

“Ever hear the words ‘rent stabilized’?” says Mr. Podell, who’s paying $702 for a one bedroom in SoHo. “What do I need a fancy place for? A lot of people want to show off their wealth. It ain’t me, baby.”

Above: Date Repellent? Bob Strauss refuses to “blandify” his apartment by getting rid of his stuffed baby seal, even though it puts some women off.

Then there is Bob Strauss, 46, who writes dating advice for and has a real stuffed baby seal in his apartment. He didn’t whack the seal on its silky little head, it’s a family piece inherited from a rich aunt and uncle in Miami.

It is displayed along with Mr. Strauss’s South Park and Sonic the Hedgehog figurines and Lego collection.

Above: Deal Breakers Bob Strauss, likes to date “challenging type people” who can handle his Sonic the Hedgehog figurines and Lego collection.

“It’s provocative,” he adds. “I like going out with tough, smart, aggressive, challenging type people. It’s fine with me if they want to argue about it; I don’t want to blandify my apartment to make myself generically acceptable.”

Most people, however, will never know how their homes sabotaged their romance. They operate under the assumption that if the garbage has been discarded and the dog hair removed, the house is romance-ready. They are unaware that such seemingly insignificant details as a Klimt poster or harsh overhead lighting are proof to some that they are not dateworthy. For these poor innocents, a guide.

No Stuffed Animals, Even If You Are Dying

Alison Forbes, a founder of The Art of Everyday Living consulting service in Los Angeles, is often called upon to help make homes relationship-ready. It was her sorry duty to inform us that the stuffed animal pandemic continues. She believes it may show a reluctance to grow up — or, in cases where the stuffed animals cover the bed, a reluctance to make space for another person.

Jason Bunin, the 36-year-old bad-boy chef at the Knickerbocker Bar and Grill in Greenwich Village, echoed her disapproval.

“You see it more in younger girls, like between 21 and 25,” Mr. Bunin says. “Pink, purple, teddy bears, unicorns, all over the bed. I’d just whack ’em off with my arm.”

Why do men dislike stuffed animals?

Most men really dislike grown women with stuffed animals

“Too cutesy and immature.” Also, Mr. Bunin says, if you were to get involved with someone like that, you’d have that garbage in your house.

Mr. Bunin, by the way, is on the dating scene no more. He married Caron Newman earlier this month in an Elvis-themed wedding in Las Vegas. You can check out the video at Mr. Bunin is the one in the black sequined tuxedo.

There Is a Reason Nice Buildings Are Not Named for Norman Bates

Sure, you can save money by moving into your mother’s house, but as always in matters of romance, you must first ask yourself: Would James Bond do it?

If you are still thinking about the answer, consider the experience of Adria Armbrister, a 30-year-old program coordinator at Columbia University’s School of Public Health. Ms. Armbrister met a man online through Yahoo and after a month and a half of e-mailing they had dinner. It went well: The man, who was 29, owned a business, he did not ask Ms. Armbrister to pay for her own meal or try to borrow money. On the second date, they stopped by his house to pick up an umbrella. The house had belonged to his mother, who had died five years earlier. The plastic-covered gold sofas and the heavy gold tasseled lamps suggested to Ms. Armbrister that her date had not redecorated — never a sign of an enterprising personality. But the deal breaker came when she saw his room.

“We walked up three flights of stars to the attic,” she says. “It looked like a teenager’s room. The computer was up there and the twin bed, his clothes were all over the floor. I was like, uuuuuh-huuuuh. He didn’t even seem sorry that he lived in a 12-year-old boy’s room, this was like normal behavior. It said to me, this person is not grown up yet. It was frightening. He’s lived his whole life in the attic.”

What did her date do for a living?

“He was in the real estate business.”

The Word “Ex” May Be Substituted for the Word “Mother”

It is also a detriment to romance when one’s date shares a roof with a former spouse.

“I met him at a function,” says a woman who is a lawyer in Manhattan and has been divorced for several years. She would speak only on condition of anonymity. “It was like” — and here she sings — “across a crowded room. He was very upfront about his living arrangement. He said he and his wife had one of those huge Upper West Side apartments with four bedrooms. She lived in one, another couple lived in another one, whoever was in need of a home is in the third one. Every morning, they go to the kitchen and have coffee together. I couldn’t picture myself in that scenario. It was like Frasier and Niles with that father and Daphne. He was very cute, but then I realized he was totally unsuccessful.”

Although the Stasi Were Said to Love It

“I can’t sit in a room with overhead lighting,” says Michele Slung, a freelance book editor in Woodstock, N.Y. “It makes me feel like I’m in a police interrogation room. I believe in lamps that are casting warm glows, and anyone that doesn’t understand that, I can’t be in their house, men or women. It’s a matter of warmth; it makes people happy.”

Ms. Slung insists on pink light bulbs, her preferred shade being Dawn Pink. She also uses amber lampshades.

“I don’t think I could ever like somebody who got their lighting wrong,” she says. “What this probably means is that I’m not in the market for a guy. If I ever found a guy with a beautifully lit house I would propose — although probably his wife would have done the lighting.”

In the Afterglow of Love, Nobody Ever Reaches for a Hammer

Michael Longacre is a New York graphic designer. He believes that design people are aesthetically demanding, but in the case of one brief affair, the problem was a more basic sort. “This was a great looking guy, who worked on Wall Street,” Mr. Longacre says. “He wore like $2,000 suits, but his great pride was really, really expensive shoes. He told me he had 50 or 60 pairs of these Italian shoes that are $750 a pair. I go to his apartment, there was no framing on the doors, there were like test colors on the walls. He’d started work on it several years earlier. I said, ‘You’ve spent $30,000 on shoes, but you’re gonna renovate your own apartment when you get around to it?’ He also showed me his waterless bong. Having high-tech marijuana equipment is another deal breaker for me.”

We Aren’t Kidding About the Klimt

Above: Gustave Klimt's The Kiss. Too trite for Adam Handler to handle

Adam Handler, who is 35, lives in Atlanta where he does grass-roots organizing for CARE. He is now married. But five or six years ago, when he was single and living in Washington, D.C., a nascent relationship was destroyed when a woman he’d been dating invited him back to her apartment.

“On her walls she had my two most despised pieces of art,” Mr. Handler says. One was “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt. “I happen to hate Klimt, but ‘The Kiss’ is the most trite and overdone and what made it worse, it was in her bedroom. Then there was the Robert Doisneau photograph of this couple kissing.”

That black and white photo taken on a Paris street in the ’50s? That’s kind of romantic.

“It’s romantic when you’re 16,” Mr. Handler says. “At some point you need to outgrow it.”

The romance, while it did not end that evening, ended soon after.

“She was attractive, she was smart, she was all the things I thought I would have liked in a woman, but I decided I didn’t trust her judgment,” Mr. Handler says.

What was his wife’s place like when they met?

It was a studio in Manhattan, Mr. Handler says, with a few really nice antiques. She also had a very impressive set of Le Creuset cookware. He had just about the same amount of All-Clad. It worked.

A Touch of Raffia Might Have Helped. But We Doubt It

Above: Evan Lobel bought and decorated a $2.4 million loft. When his boyfriend returned from work with the Peace Corps, he found it too opulent; the couple broke up.

Evan Lobel knows how to put together a welcoming apartment — in addition to being the owner of Lobel Modern, a vintage furniture store in lower Manhattan, he’s a designer. But even that doesn’t guarantee success.

“I was dating somebody very seriously,” says Mr. Lobel, who is 42. “He went away for a year to work in the Peace Corps. The two of us were in love. I said, I’m gonna wait, I’m not gonna be with anyone else, and I lived up to that. When he came back, we were supposed to live together. I thought, wouldn’t it be a nice surprise, after a year of living in huts, to live in a nice big, beautiful apartment.”

While his boyfriend was posted in Swaziland, Mr. Lobel sold his 1,200-square-foot Chelsea apartment and bought a 2,500-square-foot loft, with a fireplace and stone bathrooms. It was a frightening financial leap. While his old apartment sold for $1.5 million, the new one cost almost $2.4 million. He brought in beautiful pieces: a cabinet by the midcentury designer Tommi Parzinger; a Karl Springer chandelier with an estimated value of $25,000.

Then his boyfriend returned.

“He said, ‘What is this? I can’t live in a place like this, I was just around people who were hungry and dying,’” Mr. Lobel says. “In the end we were breaking up. For a while I regretted even buying that apartment.”

It’s Not My Place, It’s You

Matt Heindl, who is 34 and does Internet marketing, remembers two terrible dating experiences. The first involved a woman who was a nail biter — he discovered this in the cold light of morning when he found bits of her nails on the bedside stand. He also has a vivid memory of the mildewed towel she offered when he took a shower.

“It kind of smelled like dog,” he says, with a tone of disgust. “I can smell it now.”

The second experience involved an artist who lived in an East Village tenement. As he entered her apartment, a free-flying parrot relieved itself on his head. Then a large rabbit darted out from somewhere and licked his feet. A baby gate separated a second rabbit from the first — there had been a nasty penis-biting episode, his date explained. Also, the kitchen wall was covered with antique egg beaters, which looked to Mr. Heindl like weird tools.

Above: On Second Thought: Matt Heindl was turned off by rabbits in Breck Hostetter’s apartment, but eventually came around. They are now married and have a child.

Mr. Heindl and his date, Breck Hostetter, have now been married two years, and have a 9-month-old daughter, Greta. She operates Sesame Letterpress out of their home in Carroll Gardens. It is named, Ms. Hostetter says, after a parakeet who passed away at age 12.

Can Mr. Heindl explain how a deal breaker turned into marriage?

“I seriously thought, ‘Shall I run? No, I like her, I like her, I’ll check it out,’ ” he says. “I thought about it, I asked myself, ‘Why are you doing this?’ and I decided it showed she can really nurture, because one was like a really old rabbit, a geriatric rabbit. And she baked, obviously.”

So there it is — if your date doesn’t get your rabbit or your seal or your light bulb, he or she is not the person for you. Mr. Handler, the Klimt hater, now believes he was probably looking for a reason to break up with the woman he was seeing because she wasn’t right for him.

Mr. Podell, of the cartoon animal sheets, proudly fills a page with the household complaints of his dates. They include the size of his apartment, the lack of a coffeepot, the nonexistent stove connection, the lack of closet space. His love life, however, is great. He has a 22-year-old Russian girlfriend, whom he met in Malta. They have taken vacations to Asia, Europe and India, with Mr. Podell footing the bill.

Mr. Podell’s girlfriend lives in Moscow.

She has never seen his apartment.

DWR Kibbitzes About KoolHaas


above: Dutch Architect Rem Koolhaas

Architect Rem Koolhaas turned up in San Francisco last month and gave a presentation to a packed house composed mostly of students at the San Francisco Art Institute. I was lucky enough to get in and find a seat on the floor in front of the first row. Sitting quite close to him, I was almost as transfixed by his body movements, mannerisms and words as I was by his slideshow. Rem Koolhaas cuts a unique profile – skinny, big eared, tall and hunched over the podium, he is equal parts intensity, intellect and designer machismo dressed in black, like a stalking heron ready to strike. He has a great sense of humor as well.

At his best, it was like listening to Dylan Thomas with an almost poetic flurry of words and images held together by a global world view and cynicism about man's intentions and the effects of modernism. At his worst, well there was no worst. It was one of the most entertaining and provocative design presentations I have ever attended. If you get the chance to hear Koolhaas speak, don't pass it up.

Koolhaas ripped through 134 slides that varied from frustrated clients' emails to global maps of his own design, hand drawn esoteric charts to photos of urban landscapes taken from helicopters and more. Click here for examples. He is a master presenter, a skill he must maintain as a rock star architect having to compete for major projects with the other marquee names. "I am always in competition with ten of my best friends," says Koolhaas, "and resort to unusual tactics to get the commission. It is very legitimate to question my motives." Koolhaas admits he is complicit in the "obscene extravagance" of "starchitecture" and sees no end in sight. But he identifies the evil forces and takes shots at them and their buildings (and at himself) in words and images. The text below is just one example of the slides he presented:

"The Enemy: Suits, with mustaches and receding hairlines with suspect waistlines huddled in a collective pose of preemptive servility, architects from a city that was put on the map by a single outrageous building when it was nothing – grown-up preemies of the Bilbao effect – they peddle their soulless wares with shameless calculation – Anglo termites of pragmatism – or tell reassuring fairy tales like the 'Skyscraper as Citizen' as if to four year olds."

above: the new Casa da Musica by Dutch superstar architect Rem Koolhaas

Few of Koolhaas' own buildings were included in his presentation and he appears to have little interest in talking about himself. Instead, he prefers to pounce on political, economic and global ideas that he then uses to frame his largely conceptual work. Decrying Dubai as a bad theme park for architecture, Koolhaas used elegant graphic slides to show how architecture has followed the fortunes of oil and the stock market in a new but "poisonous" silk route of trade across Europe. The yen, the euro and the dollar are held up as symbols of support and corruption, made elegant through his barrage of graphics and language. Less is not more with Koolhaas. He revels in complexity while simultaneously showing examples of new works that he designed with generic intent.

Above: the Dutch Embassy in Berlin, designed by Koolhaas

There are not many people who can be self-effacing and arrogant in the same breath, but this maybe Koolhaas' genius. It certainly is his character. He checked his watch perpetually throughout his presentation as he had to make a flight that night. But he slowed down after his talk and listened and responded to audience questions in the style of the best teacher, with spontaneous responses that made every question seem more insightful than it was. He is at his best in this role, the ideas guy, which makes it fitting that he also teaches at Harvard.

above: Koolhaas' Seattle Public Library

I wrote a piece on his Seattle Public Library recently click here to read it . If you get the chance to visit this facility, it is a phenomenon and is in keeping with the spirit of the man himself, though it was designed with significant input from the community. Before seeing the library, I was familiar with Koolhaas' work for Prada in New York and the Guggenheim in Las Vegas, but it was the SPL that made me understand how it was that Koolhaas earned the 2000 Pritzker Architecture Prize .

above: Rem Koolhaas' Soho PRADA store

Koolhaas' Art Institute presentation was punctuated with bold graphic images and the seemingly intentional use of color to bring out ideas. His "barcode" concept for a European Community flag is an excellent example in the way it uses country colors, fused in bars, to create unity in disparity. How much more provocative and insightful this is when compared with the flag that was chosen, with its ring of stars that suffers in anonymity. Color is not a tool used frequently in modernism where industrial materials like glass, metal and plastic are the norm, and is more often associated with decoration and the covering up of surfaces. It takes a special character to make color work in modernism. Koolhaas is a special character.

above: Koolhaas' proposed new European Community Flag

Rob Forbes
Founder DWR

Funky Find of the Week: Alberto Frias' Sleeping Pod

Alberto Frias' Transport- Illuminated sleeping pod!

Designed by Alberto Frias, this modern illuminated sleeping pod, called The Transport, uses led lights by Color Kinetics. It will be available at the CA Boom show in Santa Monica (see earlier post) for a mere 10,000$

To learn more about the Transport, click here.

Alberto Frias

Elephant Poo Paper Products For You!

While surfing the net, I found this unusual product via one of my favorite sites, Notcot.

Paper products actually made from Elephant Poo. That's right...Efelump Dung Journals and Notecards.

How do they do it?

The making of paper starts with the collection and processing of the dung pulp. Elephant dung is typically full of short to medium grained fibrous materials from the elephants diet which when processed makes excellent paper:

• We collect naturally dried elephant dung from elephant conservation parks and bring it back to our paper-making factory.

• We then pre-rinse the elephant dung with water, leaving only the fibrous materials from the grasses, bamboo & fruits they've eaten.

• Afterwards, we place the fibers into a giant pot of boiling water to ensure the fibers are super clean. After this thorough cleaning, any color that we may want to add can be added.

• Natural fibers from banana trees & pineapples are added to the dung mixture so the paper will be thicker & stronger.

• Once this is all mixed together, we separate the moist fibers into small “cakes' or “wafers” of about 300-400 grams each.
• The cakes are spread evenly over a mesh-bottomed tray measuring about 60cm by 90cm.

• The tray is leaned up against a tree, angled toward the sun and allowed to dry naturally for a few hours.

• Once dry, we peel the sheet of paper from the mesh tray and start making Poo Poo Paper products.

This is how we made the hand made paper stationary and our how to make recycled paper process!

above: Journals

above: Notecards

A Brief History Of The Elephant:
The elephant can be traced back 26 million years when there were many species that had similar characteristics as today's elephants. Today, only two living species remain: the African Elephant and the Asian Elephant.

Elephants have been used in various capacities by humans over the years. They wee used in the military and for heavy labor, such as uprooting trees and moving logs. They have also played a strong role in religion: a white elephant is considered holy in Thailand ; Ganesh, the Hindu God of wisdom, has an elephant's head.

Today, elephants are facing numerous threats: the disappearance of natural habitats due to human activity, and poaching for their ivory tusks, meats and hides, to name a few. Many experts believe there is little future for the elephant outside protected areas.

Elephants used to exist in great numbers across Africa and parts of Asia but today these gentle giants are endangered. Rampant ivory poaching from 1979-89 more than halved Africa 's wild elephant populations from 1.4 million to a mere 600,000. Today, numbers may be as low as 400,000. In Asia , it is estimated that no more than 40,000 Asian elephants remain in the wild.

above: Stationery

The answers to commonly asked questions:

Question #1: Do your products smell?

This is by far the most asked question we receive! Our products do not smell at all...not like poo anyways! Our products smell like normal stationery type products although we have been experiementing with adding some nice aromas to our poo papers. We've had requests from cinnamon, lemon and coffee scented papers......we're working in this!!!!!

Our products don't smell because we allow the fresh elephant poo poo to completely dry up first then we thoroughly rinse and wash the elephant dung and all we're really left with are the fibres from the vegetation that the elephant didn't digest. That stuff doesn't stink!

Question #2: How many journals can you make from an average piece of elephant poo?

We can make about 25 large sheets of paper from a single piece (or turd) of elephant poo poo!!! That translates into about 10 standard sized journals including the front and back covers! Neat, huh!?!?!?

Question #3: Do you have other types of products?

Currently, we have over 150 unique items in our collection. Most of those items you cannot see on our website and need to go to the stores that carry our products for you to purchase. These products also include picture frames, photo albums, book marks, small storage boxes for keepsakes, gift bags and wine bags in addition to the many styles of journals, noteboxes, greeting cards etc. that we make and sell. We have many new products coming down the chute over the next few months and into 2007 so check back here regularly!

Get it here. Your source for hand made paper stationary.

Design You Could Just Eat Up: New Plasticware For Spring

If it's hip, it's here.
Spring has sprung and that means it time for picnics and outdoor entertaining!

Good design has crept into the plasticware market and here are just a few fabulous finds.

Clockwise from upper left: Pandora Designs ornate plasticware, available in clear as well as other colors, Heavy Stainless-steel looking plasticware, Philipe Starck's fabulous new LUX dinnerware, and The Snap-a-Party by Fred.

Click on the item to be taken directly to the place of purchase.

Let Me Float This By You: Structures On Water

Okay, so the world is running out of room. Where to put the next wave of luxury hotels and offices? Why not afloat in the middle of our vast oceans?

Seems that the visionaries at Oceanic Creations already has this under development.

Temporarily named The Maya, this floating hotel is being built in Bulgaria and will be towed to Cancun. See the computer renderings below.

Above: The Maya Hotel as envisioned by OCCT

Above: The Maya Hotel at night

The following text is from their site:
"OCCT, Oceanic-Creations Composite Technology, is a State-of-the-Art Construction Technology exclusively developed for the Swedish Royal Navy by the best engineers and scientists available.

The Oceanic-Creations Composite Technology represents a new generation of technological evolution, as well as exciting new ways to apply well-proven construction technologies. Since it was originally developed for military use it has been tested for reliability, strength and safety far beyond what is required in the civilian market.

The products offered by Oceanic-Creations are constructed with a virtually non-ageing, environmentally neutral and inert Composite Material and therefore requires almost negligible maintenance.

Above: Floating Offices; the future as seen by OCCT

OCCT offers a considerable lower LCC (Life Cycle Cost) compared to traditional and old expensive constructions in steel and concrete.

Oceanic-Creations was formed in 1986 with the strive to secure the rights to use the revolutionary composite technology that now forms the base for the company.

Oceanic-Creations AB consists of business concept developers and likes to emphasize the fact that the company is a small size company with astonishing views, competence and integrity.

Above: Chairman of the board of OCCT, Prof. Christer Karlsson

The business profile of Oceanic-Creations reflects the ambition to maintain the efficiency of a small-scale organisation combined with the strength of a competent flexible international organisation, build network and international contacts.

Oceanic-Creations have striking visions and projects with large potentials, projects that lay a stable foundation for a long-term steady growth.

The activities are predominantly in the marine field but not only floating objects. The concepts and the business structures created by Oceanic-Creations are based on either unique knowledge, materials, innovations or a combination of one or more thereof.

Oceanic-Creations composite material is made of inert material and works in harmony with nature and will through Oceanic-Creations products through its technology will help protect people, properties and ecological values."

Wow, seems the future is here. (or maybe not. Since this post, the original Oceanic Creations has filed for bankruptcy).

Grand Canyon Skywalk Opens- You Ready?

By now, you've undoubtedly heard about the Grand Canyon Skywalk, a glass bridge that extends from the western rim and suspends you more than 4000 feet above the canyon! But in case you haven't, check this out. It opens next week!

And astronaut Buzz Aldrin (below) will be the first to walk upon it!

above: Buzz Aldrin now

March 28, 2007 - The Official Public Opening Of The Skywalk

Grand Canyon West, a destination owned and operated by the Hualapai Tribe at the Grand Canyon’s western rim, announces March 28, 2007 as the official public opening date of The Skywalk. The Skywalk will be the first-ever cantilever shaped glass walkway to suspend more than 4,000 feet above the canyon’s floor and extend 70 feet from the canyon’s rim.

Access to The Skywalk will run from dawn to dusk and will cost $25 per person in addition to the cost of a Grand Canyon West entrance package. One hundred and twenty people will be allowed on the bridge at a time. Admittance is first come, first serve for walk up visitors; however, reservations can be made. Guests will enter and exit the walkway via temporary buildings while the adjacent visitor’s center is being completed. Grand Canyon West plans to issue numbered shoe covers – in order to avoid scratches and slipping - to each visitor that enters the open-air walkway.

Prior to the public opening in March, Grand Canyon West will host a “First Walk” event for media and VIPs. The first public figure to step on The Skywalk will be Astronaut Buzz Aldrin (see below).

Above: Buzz Aldrin on the moon

The historical rollout of The Skywalk structure, with the glass in place, is scheduled for February 27 to March 2. The initial part of the rollout process involves jacking the structure up off of the supports and then subjecting the structure to several days of thorough tests that replicate the conditions of final placement. After the final testing is complete, the multi-million pound steel enforced structure will be rolled out across the canyon’s edge, which takes multiple days. Immediately after the structure is in position, it will be seated and attached to the foundation. Details for a media event during the rollout will be revealed closer to the event.

Above: rendering of Visitor Center

Located at Grand Canyon West’s Eagle Point, The Skywalk facility will also include a 6,000 square-foot visitor’s center on three levels – underground, first story and second story – which will contain a museum, movie theater, VIP lounge, gift shop, and several restaurants and bars, including a high-end restaurant called The Skywalk Café that will offer outdoor patio and rooftop seating on the edge of the canyon. The second story will be where visitors can access The Skywalk glass walkway. The visitor’s center will also offer private indoor and outdoor facilities for meetings, special events and weddings.

Above: under construction

Above: Almost finished

An amazing vision come to reality. But I must confess, I don't think I'd want to walk on it with hundreds of people. If they're willing to do private tours, count me in...

Karin Jurick Continues To Impress Me

Karin Jurick is not only one of my favorite painters, she's one of my favorite people.

A beautiful woman, both inside and out (she no longer posts her picture on her blog, but I've seen it and she's so pretty), Karin's work is increasing in popularity and critical acclaim. I simply needed to put this up because I was so touched by the gesture. Please keep in mind, I've never even met Karin in person, but have long been in touch with her via e-mails since discovering her fabulous work and becoming a collector. Once she read my blog and saw that my dog, Abbey, who was recently diagnosed as terminally ill, suffered a stroke a little over a week ago, and is now nearing the end of her 14 years, she actually painted a portrait of her and sent it to me as a gift!


  I am touched beyond belief and wanted to share it with you all. It's people like Karin who make this world a better place, with both her work and her compassion.

Be sure to see her beautiful work at her site here

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