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A Shop That Sells Consumer Awareness: The FLOWmarket

A shop selling consumer awareness
FLOWmarket™ is a shop designed to inspire consumers to think, live and consume more holistic.

Present imbalances from the 3 dimensions of the FLOW model™ have been addressed and transformed into physical products in the shape of aesthetically designed (empty) packings with humorous and thought awakening labels that the visiting consumers can buy at prices ranging from 5-20 dollars.

FLOWmarket™ ”basic collection” offers 40 different scarcity goods in 3 product categories:

The product category ”Individual flow” offers e.g: ”stress killers”, ”ups and downs”, ”addiction liberators”, ”detox”, ”obesity dissolvers”, ”a lack of exercise killers” and ”symptom removers”.

The product category ”Collective flow” offers e.g: ”off liners”, ”commercial free-space”, ”presence”, ”tolerance”, ”exploitation free produce” and ”consumption moderators”.

The product category ”Environmental flow” offers e.g: ”organic food”, ”clean tap water”, ”pollution dissolvers”, ”factory farming antibiotics”, ”renewable energy ” and ”100% GMO”.

In relation to these new scarcity goods the FLOWmarket™ is addressing imbalances from each of the 3 product categories as well as elite companies that have succeeded in gaining a leading position in the rapidly emerging “holistic market” through their unique approach to sustainable innovation.

The first FLOW market™ opened in 2004 and has due to it’s commercial success been granted a permanent status at the Danish Design Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. The goal is to make FLOWmarket™ a global franchise success.

Of appraisals FLOW market™ has received a danish design award in 2004 along with a Danish broadsheet and a Swedish TV-program naming it the danish design event of 2004. In 2006 FLOW market™ won the ICFF editors award in New York.


A brand and template that meets the rising demand for sustainable innovation
Throughout the 20th century the pursuit for technological and economic progress has given the industrialized world great new possibilities but has also resulted in a wide range of imbalances and challenges on 3 levels:

The individual - man’s relation to oneself:
(rising stress- depression- and obesity curves, addictions, eating disorders, symptom treatments etc.)

The collective - man’s relation to society:
(over-consumption, increasing fear, xenophobia, global inequality, cultural rectification, conflicts over resources etc.)

The environmental - man’s relation to nature:
(pollution, agricultural toxics, factory farming, decreasing biodiversity, non renewable energy consumption etc.)

Challenges that individually and together bear witness to an unhealthy development of our societies.

As a response a need for more sustainable growth is rising to the top of the agenda of individuals, business and nations.

Thus a new consumer market based on values is expanding rapidly, where the materialistically rich consumer increasingly judges products and sevices on their immaterial values and on level of sustainability.

Businesses, whose role is changing from being production units to becoming ”corporate citizens” know this.
They themselves point towards social responsibility and innovation as the most important competitive parameters of tomorrow, but they lack the skills to combine the to notions.

FLOW™ - a template and brand
In order to meet the rising demand for sustainable growth and innovation we will have to be able to navigate within
the term sustainablility. For this purpose we have created the FLOWmodel™, a design model that reflects our three dimensional view on creating sustainable growth:

Individual flow:
Balanced physical, mental and spiritual growth.

Collective flow:
Balanced interpersonel, cultural, economic, social and technological growth.

Environmental flow:
Balanced environmental growth.

A holistic mindset that is the essential basis of all our future commercial and non-commercial activities. Thus FLOW™ is the brand name for our products and services that in each of their own way catalyze sustainable growth.

A FLOW™ product is caracterised by providing beneficial solutions on both the individual, the collective and the environmental level.

A wide range of products created from theFLOWmodel™ are in progress, and will be serving consumer markets in the near future. The first product launch will be FLOWbottle™ in august 2007.

You can buy the products here.

all information and images courtesy of FLOW.

Seriously Cute Cable Management from Copenhagen. Meet Woofy.

Earlier this week I wrote a post about cable management and charging stations, but little did I know that one of the cutest forms of cable management was about to hit the market; Woofy for Normann Copenhagen.

Okay, actually I did know it was about to hit the market, only I forgot until I received the invite to the extremely cool launch party in Denmark (see below) for Woofy in black:

Woofy comes in white, this new black edition is a limited release only:

Woofy was designed by Gabriel Nigro (shown below with Woofy) and is made of hardened plastic.

He’s cute, smart and doesn’t bite – normann copenhagen presents your new friend…

Introducing Woofy, our new addition to the normann family. Woofy is a cable container dog with many good qualities, designed by Gabriel Nigro. Woofy is your new friend and a personalised way to conceal cables.

The story of Woofy is one of experiences, of pleasure and love of design. Woofy’s Dad is Gabriel Nigro and the idea for Woofy came about during a visit to one of Gabriel’s friends, who happened to have cables lying around all over his flat. On the way home, Gabriel began drawing, and by the time he was finished Woofy was born.

Woofy never needs to be walked, fed or trained. His fur is smooth and he doesn’t cause allergies or wet the floor. Woofy can conceal your cables in his tummy and he will always be there when you need him.

Width: 20 cm
Height: 33 cm
Length: 48 cm

Price: $200 USD

Woofy will be sold in stores and online here beginning the end of August 2007.

Normann Copenhagen

Get Off The Net, It's Beautiful Out!

Click on any of the items below for more information or to purchase

Get Off The Net, It's Beautiful Out!

With the glut of stunning outdoor furniture, gazebos, tea houses, rockers, loungers -even outdoor showers and tvs, there's hardly any reason to be indoors -unless of course, you're shopping for those items online.

Now, if only I could take my own advice.....

See more of my Get Off The Net, It's Beautiful Out! list at ThisNext.

A Beautifully Designed Site: The Astier de Villate Online Catalogue

The other day, I came across an online manufacturer's site that was beautifully done.

Aster de Villatte is a manufacturer of tabletop and home accents that is carried in high end boutiques all over the world. Although you can't order direct from their site, you can browse their interactive catalog and locate many stores that carry their products.

But that's not the point of this post. The point is how much fun you'll have looking for those stores, and at their objects, because of the unique interactive presentation of their wares.

In their online catalog, not only is each page a new mystery (click around and find info) but each is photographed beautifully and the animation is pretty darn seamless.

When clicking on certain objects, you will see how they are showcased.
Click on the plates above, for example, and you will get this:

Click again, and it becomes this:

even the search page is very cool:

And the way you choose the country to locate a store:

If I show you anymore, it'll give away the fun, so go check it out for yourself by clicking here.

Credit for this compellingly designed site belongs mainly to:
Sophie Delaporte (photographer), William Simon (webmaster) and Ivan Pericoli (art director).

Bark Mitzvahs: a Canine's Coming of Age?

Above: Doggies decked out in yarmulkes and talis for their big day

The article below was written by Lisa Katz for

A search on the Internet turned up photos of Bark Mitzvah parties in homes, gift packages for Bark Mitzvah dogs from pet stores, and invitations to Bark Mitzvah ceremonies from synagogues.

Are Bark Mitzvahs actually a spiritual event in the lives of American Jews today or simply an excuse for a party?

The Celebration

Above: A Bone shaped cake for the Bark Mitzvah Boy

Some people do Bark Mitzvahs for Purim entertainment, some do it to raise money, and others do it simply for the fun of it. Those celebrating Bark Mitzvahs today are mostly Reform and Conservative Jews.

At Home

Above: Floyd enjoys his bone shaped cake at home

Bark Mitzvahs celebrated in private homes tend to be personal and fun. Guests, who sometimes bring their own dogs along, greet the hosts with “Mazal Tov” and bring doggies presents for the Bark Mitzvah dog. The dog of honor generally feasts on bone-shaped doggy cake, while the human guests feast on gourmet food.

Above: Kasha's Bark Mitzvah was actually at a temple

The Bark Mitzvah party of Kasha can be viewed online by clicking here.

Above: The friends' table at Kasha's Bark Mitzvah

Alfie's Bark Mitzvah is the focus of Shari Cohen's children's book Alfie's Bark Mitzvah. The CD of children's songs that comes with the book, created by the internationally acclaimed Cantor Marcelo Gindlin, includes a song describing Alfie's Bark Mitzvah.

At the Doggie Salon
Some people have more formal affairs, and new businesses have cropped up to support them.

For $50, Places Everyone offers a seating kit for your Bark Mitzvah celebration, as well as a free Bark Mitzvah certificate for your dog.

Above: A Doggie Draydel or Draidel or Dreidel

If you really want to go all out, then you can get the $95 Bark Mitzvah package from CleosBarkery. It includes: all meat canine Bark Mitzvah cake, happy Bark Mitzvah Hat, Doggie Treat Bag filled with draydel and menorah biscuits, Star Bark Mitzvah collar, and a ribbon balloon cake topper.

Above: Custom Pet Candy Bar Wrapper from Wrapsody Designs

You can make sure your guests will remember the event by sending them home with a pet candy bar wrapped by The wrapper commemorates the Bark Mitzvah celebration and even provides personal information about the Bark Mitzvah dog.

Above: A bulldog, dacschund and a weimeraner donning Tallits and Kippahs

Some people send their guests home with satin yarmulkes with the dog’s name and Bark Mitzvah date printed inside.

Above: A hand crocheted kippa or kippah or yarmulke

Yarmulkes just for the guests?
Some Bark Mitzvah dogs get all dressed up for the special occasion. There’s been unprecedented demand for doggie-sized tallit and yarmulkes tailored to fit over dog ears.

At Shul
Bark Mitzvahs celebrated at synagogues have a bit more of an “official” flavor to them.

Above: Kasha checks out the Mogen David

Often Bark Mitzvahs performed by rabbis begin with the rabbi reciting a prayer or blessing the dogs. The prayer said when seeing beautiful animals is an ideal opener. The rabbi generally ends the ceremony by awarding a Bark Mitzvah certificate to the dog's owner.

One California Reform shul promotes it Bark Mitzvah ceremony with “All participating pets will receive blessings, treats and a special pet kippah/yarmulke.”

Above: Awwwwww!

One Reform Shul, Beth Shir Shalom in Miami, holds Bark Mitzvah celebrations for the congregation members' dogs on Purim. The ceremony takes place in the synagogue parking lot and not in the sanctuary; thus, there is no chance of a dog having an accident in shul. Bark mitzvah dogs are given certificates, and the dogs’ family members bark and say a prayer.

Temple Kehillat Chaim, a Reform temple in Atlanta, uses the Bark Mitzvah celebration as a way to raise money. The synagogue sponsored a "Bark Mitzvah Day" fundraiser in which about 60 dogs competed in a dog-show spin-off. "Most Jewish" was one of the competition's categories.

Above: even teeny weeny tallis and kippas are avilable

Behind the Celebration
Most Bark Mitzvahs are simply a fun reason for a party. However, there are those who recognize a spiritual component to them. And, on the other side, there are those who find them offensive.

A Spiritual Component
Some people do see a spiritual component to the Bark Mitzvah ceremony. They claim that the Bark Mitzvah is a celebration of the spiritual connection they feel for their dogs. And they want to express this spiritual connection in a Jewish, communal way.

Others claim the ceremonies express the divine spark in animals. What is dog spelled backward? In this way, the Bark Mitzvah can be seen as the Jewish equivalent to the Catholic ritual of blessing animals in the church.

Still others simply want to celebrate a rite of passage for their dog. Some celebrate it after the dog has lived 13 human years, while others wait for 13 dog years.

William Wegman's jewish, isn't he?

An Offensive Component
Some people find Bark Mitzvah celebrations as offensive. They feel that dressing a dog in a yarmulke and tallit dishonors Judaism. Others say that Bark Mitzvahs marginalize Jewish identification to the point where stereotypes are perpetuated.

A Humorous Component

The great majority of those celebrating Bark Mitzvahs today simply do it for fun. And the jokes abound: Feeding the dog biscuits shaped as Stars of David. Reading Arf-Tara instead of Haftara. Barking in honor of the dog.

They say that so many of the bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies of humans these days have lost the religious coming-of-age meaning and have turned into showy social affairs, so why not a Bark Mitzvah?

You can view an MSN video report about a Bark Mizvah by clicking here.

Above: A big edible Doggie Dreidel for the guest of honor

What to buy the dog who's celebrating?

Check out Oy Toys by clicking here.

Or get some Judaic dog and cat toys here.

And there a good selection here, even Kippahs (yarmulkes) for dogs!

More Jewish Chewish Toys

Books & sites that may interest you:

How to Raise a Jewish Dog

Yiddish for Dogs: Chutzpah, Feh!, Kibbitz, and More: Every Word Your Canine Needs to Know

Jewish Dogs: An Image and Its Interpreters (Stanford Studies in Jewish History and C)

Blessing of the Animals: A Guide to Prayers & Ceremonies Celebrating Pets & Other Creatures

And be sure to check out her website of the same name, Blessingoftheanimals with several links and other resources.

Here's a site to help you name that Kosher Dog of yours!
Jewish Dog Names, their meanings and Origins

And I'll leave you with this cute "Jewish Dog" joke:

A man walks into synogogue with a dog. The shammas comes up to him and says, "Pardon me, this is a House of Worship, you can't bring your dog in here."

"What do you mean," says the man, "this is a religious Jewish dog.... Look."

And the shammas looks carefully and sees that in the same way that a St. Bernard carries a brandy barrel round its neck this dog has a tallis around its neck.

"Morris," says the man to the dog, "daven (pray) !".

"Woof!" says the dog, stands on his hind legs, opens the tallis bag, takes out a kippa and puts it on his head.

"Woof!" says the dog, stands on his hind legs, opens the tallis bag, takes out a siddur and starts to daven in perfect Hebrew.

"That's fantastic," says the shammas, "absolutely amazing, incredible! You should take him to Hollywood, get him on television, or get him into a Yeshiva and your dog Morris could become a Rabbi !!"

"You speak to him," says the man, "he wants to be a lawyer."

Resources and links for your own Bark Mitzvah!:

bark mitzvah bash

Hey pup, have you called your mother lately? You know she worries. $65 for (5) dogs, contact us for other pricing.
  • potato knishses
  • Jewish chicken soup pie
  • ice cream flavor K-9 quencher
  • honey pupcakes with cinnamon frosting
  • stuffed toy to match theme
•Order the party package above from

Get your Bark Mitzvah Invitations & supplies:

Bark Mitzvah Seat Planner Kit available here.

Above:the seat planner kit from Places Everyone sells for $49.95

Bark Mitzvah catering:

Bark Mitzvah gifts:

Funky Find Of The Week: French Water Ice Cubes by Mail!

ICE ROCKS- secured sealed ice cubes by mail order!

There have been a lot of postings on here about fine waters, but fine ice cubes?

About them:
Better water, better ice, for those who want to have their ice and drink it too - with the same great level of quality. ICEROCKS® are secured sealed ice cubes made from spring water drawn from the Vendée Region of France in the Massif Central. Wow!

These glorious cubes, ready to be frozen, are hermetically packaged in disposable, recyclable containers, providing complete guarantee of hygiene and safety. The ICEROCKS® light mineral water features 37 milligrams per liter of Calcium, 157 mg/liter of Bicarbonate, 42 mg/liter Silica, and Sulphates at 53 mg/liter. Nitrates are ZERO.

Just click on the image above to learn more or to order.

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C'mon people, it's only a dollar.