These gingerbread cookies are probably not what your grandmother made for the holiday season, unless you've got a very liberal granny. Designed by Swedish company Pipparkakan, the Kama Sutra cookie cutters were actually made way back in 2007 and were featured on Gizmodo, and lots of other gadget and nerd sites. But I never saw a finished product until Taxi posted the pic shown above.

Whereas a few years ago, they were carried in many online stores, now they are nerly impossible to find, but you can order them from Pipparkakan directly.

The cutters come in 2 different boxes with 4 different cutters in each, which means that if you order both boxes you will have 8 different shapes.
One box including tax and shipping within Europe costs 325 SEK or 35 EUR.
One box including tax and shipping outside Europe costs 350 SEK or $55 USD.
They use PayPal. Shipping through regular Swedish Postal Service, approx 4-6 days from payment for Europe and US. Australia 5-9 days.
This is How to Order your Pipparkaka:
• Send an e-mail to order@pipparkakan.se
• Write your name and address and phone number and tell us which box that tickles you. The Black Silk or the Raspberry Purple, you can always order both.
• When you have placed your order you will get an e-mail from PayPal with a grateful request for payment, it will be sent to the e-mail address you used while placing the order. The box is sent to you as soon as payment has been received.
Enjoy a lustful cooking experience and bon appetit! And here's two Lovesick Recipes from them:
Kinky Glacé
1,5-2 dl icing sugar
Baking colour
Pour the icing sugar into a small bowl. Carefully fill up with water so that it covers a centimeter over the sugar. Let rest for a while and then pour out the water that has not been absorbed by the sugar. Stir so that the glace is smooth and even.
If you want a shinier glace you just add a few drops of oil.
You can distribute the glace into more bowls and add cooking colour to get more colours to decorate with.
Then just use your imagination. Garters, hand cuffs and whips, a pipparkaka is not shy of anything, let the lust flow!
Pipparkaka dough ca 150
350 g butter
4 hg sugar
3 dl syrup
1 table spoon grinded ginger
1 tea spoon grinded cinnamon
1 tea spoon grinded clove
1 table spoom bicarbonate
3 dl whipped cream
1,5 kg flour
Stir melted butter, sugar and syrup to a nice mixture. Mix an elixir of love from the spices. Pour down the spice mix into the mixture and stir.
Whip the cream into a hard foam and pour down a little at the time.
Mix the bicarbonate with most of the flour and pour it into the mixture, knead into a steady dough. (Of course you can use various tools for this)
Wrap the dough into foil and let the love grow cool during the night... let the shapes inspire you in how to spent your time...
When the night is over, just do it! (Also the baking) Take some dough at the time and roll out large with a rolling pin to desired thickness, it does matter! The thinner, the harder... Dip the cutters in a bit of flour. Push the pipparkakor out of the flat dough and put on cold baking tins.
Grease or cover with baking paper and cook in the middle of the oven during 4-5 minutes at 200°C. Let the hot cookies cool off for a couple of minutes before you let yourself get seduced.
Interested in buying pipparkaksformar for your store? Please contact them at info@pipparkakan.se or call Susanne Burelo at +46 730-340 222
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