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Real Diamond Embedded Contact Lens from La SER Eye Jewellery- Are They The First?

Bloggers are all a twitter (pun intended) about the latest news about LaSer eye jewellery, a line of real gold and diamond contact lens created by Chandrashekhar Chawan PhD Optometrist & Ocularist, for his Shekhar Eye Research. News sites, like MSNBC, are touting them as the first real diamond contact lens at a price of $15,000 a pair.

Star Wars R2D2 and Han Solo Silicon Molds or Ice Cube Trays Finally Hit The Market.

Star Wars fan have buzzed about these for the past couple of months since the news first broke that they'd be available in late 2011. Well, they've finally arrived and are now available for pre-order. The new Star Wars silicon trays can be used as molds for ice cubes, jello, plaster, clay or soap. Star Wars favorites R2D2 and Han Solo trapped in Carbonite.
Only $9.99 each, they will ship later this month.

Alfabetika. Whimsical Posters That Brighten Up Children's Rooms And Their Minds.

Alfabetika are a line of reading and counting basics made charming and stylish. Numbers and alphabet letters come to life in the form of whimsical drawings by the beautiful and talented designer (and a personal friend of mine) Anne-Lise Borgen.

The Norway born designer, who is now based in Paris, first came upon the idea to create Alfabetika when she couldn't find a suitable gift for her niece. She wanted something both cool and educational and when nothing struck her fancy, she set out to design her own.

The highly original characters were inspired by her dog Jakko's personality, cute looks and funny mannerisms combined with her love of mid-century modern design.

Staying true to her Scandinavian heritage, the alphabet posters come in both English and Norwegian Versions.

In addition to inspiring someone you love, each sale from Alfabetika’s webshop donates 5% to UNICEF, making this a gift that benefits the recipient as well as a less fortunate child.



Keep an eye on Alfabetika, Anne-Lise will soon be launching custom name posters!

Etsy Shop

A 12.2 Billion Dollar Home Is The World's Most Expensive Home Ever Built. (UPDATED)

UPDATE: I'm sorry to report that despite being furnished the following information by Stuart Hughes' own company, recent reports hint that this story is greatly exaggerated, if not completely fabricated. The house seems to be in the 'planning stages' not actually built as Stuart Hughes claims. Unfortunately, this is not the first time Mr. Hughes has made many suspicious with his outlandish claims of luxury products. Born Rich reported his luxury yacht was a fake and Computer Choppers dedicates an entire page on their site to warn customers of Stuart Hughes' claims. As a result, I will no longer be reporting on products from Staurt Hughes. A special thanks goes out to Home Designing for their sleuthing. My sincerest apologies.

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