Paris ad agency Rosapark has turned the emoticon (or emoji) into creepily stylized humans in a new print ad campaign for the international non-profit devoted to fighting the sexual abuse of children, Innocence en Danger.

"The goal of this new campaign is to educate parents and children on the dangers of the Internet, the hazards of children and adolescents talking to people they do not know who may be hiding under false identities on social networks, forums, discussion and other chats" Said Gilles Lazimi, campaign coordinator.

"A significant number of adults pose as children and are not "friends" but are aggressors, pedophiles and criminals who have one goal: to approach and attack children sexually" says Ms. Homeyra Sellier, President of the Innocence in Danger association. "It is a reality that should not be overlooked, keeping our children safe from danger is important."

Christine Djamila Allaf, the Secretary General of the Innocence Danger Association, recalls the figures: 1 in 5 children in the world today have been sexually solicited on the Internet. 20 % of them do not recognize things online of which their parents do not approve (Symantec study, Harris Interactive, Feb. 2008).
Over 40% of children ages 1-17 years indicate that they have already faced at least one shocking or traumatic image or information while web browsing (SRI 2007).

"The three visuals created by the Rosapark Agency are very compelling. Creating a human figure of the emoticons used on the forums demonstrates the true nature of those who can sometimes hide behind these symbols, including those with prior offenses, dangerous predators and real pedophiles" said Dr. Emmanuelle Piet, campaign coordinator.
The wonderfully creepy photo manipulation in the ads was created by Mécanique Générale.
The 'Emoticon' print campaign against online child sexual predators has been produced in both French and English in both spreads and single page ads. All three ads asks the same question: "Who's really chatting online with your child?" or 'Savez-vous vraiment qui parle avec votre enfant sur internet?'
Single page ads in french:

Agency : Rosapark
Co-fondateurs : JP Chiquiar – G Fichteberg – JF Sacco
Art Director : Mark Forgan
Copywriter : Jamie Standen
Photography - 3 D Design : Baptiste Massé «Mécanique Générale»
Typography : Paul-Henri Masson
Production : Delphine Cotellon
Agency Media : Havas Media
Media : Etienne Curtil
Rosapark is part of the Havas group, founded in 2012 by Jean-Patrick Chiquia, Gilles Fichteberg and Jean-François Sacco.


Innocence en Danger