MLRP of Denmark transformed a somewhat sad existing structure into an inviting reflective pavilion to engage interaction and play. The structure, which is in a public playground in Copenhagen, is now used by kindergarten classes and includes restrooms.

Funhouse mirrors are mounted on the gabled ends of this playground pavilion as well as behind the doors. This engages a play with perspective, reflection and transformation.

Instead of a typical closed gable facade, the mirrored gables creates a sympathetic transition between built and landscape and reflects the surrounding park, playground and activity. Windows and doors are integrated in the wood-clad facade behind facade shutters with varied bent mirror panel effects. At night the shutters are closed making the building anonymous. During the day the building opens up, attracting the children who enjoy seeing themselves transformed in all directions.

With simple means it has succeeded to transform an existing, sad and anonymous building to a unique and respectful installation in the newly renovated park. The roof and facade is clad with heat-modified sustainable wood and the gables and shutters are clad with mirror polished stainless steel. The Mirror House is a flexible space and restrooms, used by kindergarden classes.

Project type: Playground Pavilion
Year: Completed Nov 2011
Site: Fælledparken , Copenhagen
Client: City of Copenhagen – CAU and the fund of Mærsk McKinney Møller & wife Chastine McKinney Møller
Engineer: Grontmij A/S
Landscape: GHB Landskab A/S
Contractor: A.F.Hansen
Area: 140 m2
Building Sum: 1.700.000 Dkr
Robert W. Paulsen, Mads H. Lund, Joana Pimenta, Sara Marie Malmros

MLRP / Architecture, Research & Development info@mlrp.dk / +45 2971 4515 / Ryesgade 19a / 2200 København N / Denmark