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Showing posts with label face painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label face painting. Show all posts

New Body Art From Emma Hack. Beautiful Women And A Look At Painting Them.

Body painter Emma Hack recently completed and launched a new series called "Beautiful Women." The "Housewife" and The "Oriental" were both created as a live installation in her Pop-Up Gallery in Adelaide.

"The Housewife" series has been inspired by the stereotypical American housewife depicted in many films of the 50's: her facade is polished and beautiful but, there is a hidden sadness to her posture and a yearning for a life of freedom and happiness.

"The Oriental" series clearly references the work of Vladimir Tretchikoff, in particular his “Chinese Girl” (1953). However in the hands of Hack, the subjects exude an inner strength, through their posture and demeanor. Again, the insertion of birds has been utilized to reference a yearning for freedom.

above: Vladimir Tretchikoff's Chinese Girl served as the inspiration for Emma's Oriental

She painted two canvas backgrounds and two models for these new works and debuted them at her Collectors Dinner last month. As is the case with all her work, Emma paints both the backgrounds and the clothes you see on the models' naked bodies.

The Housewife (3 versions):

The Oriental (4 versions):

Here's a look at the works in progress.

The backdrop for "Housewife" in progress:

The final backdrop for  "Housewife":


Painting the "Housewife":

The backdrop for "Oriental" in progress:

The final backdrop for "Oriental":


Painting the "Oriental":

The Catherine Asquith Gallery in Melbourne will be showing her Beautiful Women series in from July 9th through July 27th.

all images courtesy of the artist

Don't forget to see these great works by Emma:
•Taking Body Art To A New Level
• Car Wreck Made of 17 Painted Bodies
POP Art Series

Emma Hack

A Bald Artist Uses His Head As A Canvas: Meet James Kuhn

above: James Kuhn as Mr. T (note the doll's arm stuck up his nose)

Self-described artist, drag queen, former nudist, born again Christian, average 46 year old guy (hardly!) James Kuhn likes to paint his face. And I'm not just talking about a little gloss and guyliner. I'm talking complete transformations! In some cases he even adds doll parts, paper extensions and more. But there's no sense in trying to describe it, you simply have to see his self-portraits.

above: just a few of his hundreds of transformations, also available as a poster.

The following are a few of my favorites from his extensive sets on flickr. They are high res, so they may take awhile to download. Click on them to enlarge and see the details.

Conan (note the one 'shared eye'):

Cat with mouse:


Bluto and Popeye:

Woody the Woodpecker:

Polar Bear and Eskimo:

The Marx Brothers (he's upside down):

Bathing Beauty (her breasts are his nostrils):

Baby Doll (with plastic body glued to his head-he's upside down):

Pretzel Lion (yes, the mane is made of pretzels):

Flying Monkey (from the Wizard of Oz)



The Lollipop Guild (from the Wizard of Oz):

Check him out as a Gremlin, A moving Gremlin!

from his flickr profile:
I am not a photographer, but i take alot of photo's! My camera is a Canon Powershot A610 5.0 Mega Pixels, and i love it!!! I am an artist, drag queen, former nudist, born again Christian, average 46 year old guy...well maybe not exactly average! I love to paint on anything, including flesh! Mostly i paint images from the bible in a style i call "Paint Mosaic" a collage style made up of painted watercolor paper, cut up and assembled onto canvas. Currently i am having fun making photographic self portrait's, involving face painting. Face paint is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a long while! I believe it may have magical powers! My "normal" painting has taken a back seat to my face work lately. For my face paints, i use Kryolan Aqua Color, Snazaroo, and Paradise by Mehron. I attended Burning Man in Nevada three years in a row and it was amazing!!! I believe it completely changed the way i think about art and perhaps the purpose for which i even make art. Art should never be a product. It should be a gift of love and a prayer. Art is silly, and fun, and can be powerful and sacred. I do show in galleries, but selling should never be your motivation for creating art. Check out my websites and I attend a gay affirming church and its great! Jesus died for EVERYONE! I am not a gay Christian, i am a Christian [ in progress! Gods not finished with me yet! ] who happens to be gay. I'm Male and Single.
See tons more of James Kunh's transformations on flickr here.

If you'd like to purchase one of his books, or posters or more, you can do so at his Qoop store here. If you're into body painting, don't miss these amazing artists:

Guido Daniele

  Emma Hack


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