A Waterfall+Plasma TV in one (The Plasmafall?). I'm so dumbfounded, I can't even be witty.

From Astute Advance contemporary products come these custom waterfalls designed with plasma tvs.
On their site, under their custom products category, comes the following:
Custom Waterfall Fountains
Allow your imagination to flow freely. We will work with you, or your designer, to ensure that you have the most eye-catching and well-designed water feature available. Whether for residential or commercial applications, your project will be handled by a team of professionals that will walk you through all stages of planning, fulfillment, delivery and installation. We offer only the finest materials and components to assure that you are satisfied with your purchase for years to come.
See the variety of completed custom projects in the photos below. Note our capability to build waterfalls with plasma screen back drops. This is an excellent way to call attention to your display and present an energized verbal and visual message by simply connecting a DVD player or other video source. It is a great application for lobby or wait area to extend your advertising or training message. Plasma screens are available in 42" to 60" models and are size specified by the customer up to the dimensional limit of the fountain.
Custom models have to be quoted based on the requested dimensions and requested options. Contact them with questions. Phone 734-332-9228 between 11am and 6pm EST Mon thru Sat.