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The Lovefish Tank by Dean Zeus Coleman (and How It Was Made).

Artist Dean 'Zeus' Coleman likes to create unusual fish tanks* as well as compelling 3D Graffiti sculptures and other wonderful fine art. His latest is the Lovefish, a tank made of heated and curved glass pieces that literally spell out the word LOVE.

Meet Zoey and Jasper, An Adorable Pet Project by Photographer Grace Chon.

Art director turned commercial photographer Grace Chon specializes in animals, lifestyle and celebrities with their pets. Grace, who confesses to having dressed her dogs in ridiculous clothes for years, turned into a baby-hat fanatic once she gave birth to her son Jasper. It wasn't long before she realized that, not only do the hats look cute on her adorable child, but they looked pretty darn sweet on her shy rescue dog Zoey as well.

Brandalism. Fashion Branded Spray Paint Cans by Antonio Brasko.

Designer Antonio Brasko's project, Brandalism, is a study on the influence of street art and graffiti in the fashion world. Through the use of brand marks (logos and logotypes), iconic colors, and spray cans, Brandalism seeks to reintroduce the ideology of vandalism, branding and fashion from an experimental design perspective.

Cray Cray Cantilvered 7" Tall Platform Biopiracy Boots & Shoes From Iris Van Herpen X United Nude

United Nude collaborates with fashion designer Iris Van Herpen for their wildest shoes yet. This is Van Herpen's 9th consecutive collaboration with the brand and this is the first time that two, instead of just one, designs that graced the runway are being offered by United Nude.

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