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Beautiful Cut Paper Animal Masks by Flurry & Salk.

above: cut paper Ram mask designed for Hermes.

Meet Nikki Salk and Amy Flurry. Nikki is an artist and fashion blogger, Amy is a freelance writer, editor and stylist. In January, 2010 the two women founded the Paper-Cut-Project, a company that conceives art direction and highly crafted installations in paper for window installations, runway, catalog and advertising campaigns.

Flurry and Salk describe their custom made paper art installations as "fueled by a love of fashion and an appreciation of the grace and nuance of this humble material"

They have designed installations and window displays for chic stores like Jeffrey New York and Atlanta and an exclusive collection of animals for Hermes.

Owl (for Hermes):

Bear (for Hermes):

Horse 1 (for Hermes):

Horse 2 (for Hermes):

Horse 3 (for Hermes):

Lion (for Hermes):

Cockatiel (for Hermes):

The above masks were designed exclusively for French luxury boutique Hermes, while the masks below are part of their Animalia series.





The Paper Cut Project
Nikki Salk's fashion blog

Amy Flurry's website

Real Road Kill Bracelets by Metalsmith, Jeweler and Taxidermist Lucy Jenkins.

One of the best uses of Road Kill I've ever seen. These unusual and surprisingly attractive bracelets were made by award-winning metalsmith/jeweler/taxidermist Lucy Jenkins.

The gold-plated and sterling silver Road Kill Fur bangles are lined with fur sourced from actual Road kill and engraved with the Latin name of the animal and the road from which it was sourced. The Road Kill Range attempts to create a new way of wearing ethical fur for aesthetic purposes.

Oryctolagus Cuniculus (rabbit), found on the A3052 - Gold Plate, Road Kill Rabbit Fur:

"NO ANIMALS WERE KILLED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THESE PIECES" is actually printed on the lid of the presentation box for the bracelets.

Lupus Americanus (hare), found on the B3212 - Gold Plate, Road Kill Hare Fur:

The above two bracelets were available for purchase at Luna and Curious but have been sold out.

Other bracelets from the range (no longer available):
Oryctolagus Cuniculus B3180 - Solid Silver, Road Kill Rabbit Fur:

images courtesy of the artist and Luna and Curious

Lucy Jenkins

30 New York Statues Sport Cloaks To Promote NBC's The Cape (GALLERY)

above: The James Stranahan statue donning NBC's promotional "cape"

As part of a marketing push for the new NBC series "The Cape" (two-hour premiere tonight, Sunday, January 9, 9-11p.m. ET), 30 New York public statues and monuments have been cloaked in black fabric capes accompanied by a temporary kiosk or plaque that gives a brief mention of the figure's history along with the story of The Cape (Vince Faraday, a valiant cop framed for murder played by David Lyons) - linking the two "heroes".

The blue-black capes began appearing on statues all over the city on Januaray 5th. City Parks Department officials allowed NBC executives to create hype for "The Cape" by draping the frocks on sculptures of historic figures until Sunday in exchange for a $120,000 donation to maintain public art.

The locations:

NBC's interactive map tells you which statues have been cloaked.

Vickie Karp, Director of Public Information for New York City Parks & Recreation, says "The new NBC series is a novel way to remind even the most jaded New Yorker that heroes are all around us."

For those of you who don't live in New York, here's a look at some of the various "caped" statues:

President Lincoln:

Admiral David Farragut:

Frederick Douglass:

Christopher Colombus:

Harriet Tubman:

Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva:

Eleanor Roosevelt:

George M Cohan:

Horace Greeley:

General Fowler:

Fiorello LaGuardia:

James Stranahan:

William Henry Seward:

Statue visitors will also be able to enter the “Hero Behind the Cape” giveaway contest using FourSquare and Twitter. Participants can enter the sweepstakes by visiting any one of the 30 caped statues all over New York City and checking in via their FourSquare account. Also, visitors can enter by taking a photo of themselves at any of the statue locations and posting their photo to Twitter. Users will simply need to direct message the official Twitter handle ( or use the hashtag #herobehindthecape when they post their picture. You'll have a tough time beating Pete Labrozzi, though.

above: Pete Labrozzi has been diligently posting images of himself in front of the statues for the past few days.

You can get directions to all the cloaked statue locations here

Of course, had they cloaked Lady Liberty, I'd reeeeally be impressed.

above: digital art by laura sweet

Special thanks to the following sites and blogs for the images:

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