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Can Sayinli & Jorgen Evil Ekvoll Weave Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll Into Silk Rugs

above: detail from the silk hand knotted Rock n' Roll rug

Central St. Martins College of Art and Design graduates Can Sayinli (graphic design) and Jorgen Evil Ekvoll (fine art) are a talented and edgy design duo. Amongst their irreverent, unusual, somewhat anarchistic and definitely provocative work are two collections of textile art. In these particular cases, silk hand knotted rug designs.

Turkish-born Sayinli asked his dad to hook them up with traditional rug-making families from villages near Istanbul. Everyone works from the same computer-generated patterns, yet each rug differs hugely in appearance. “The way the knots are tied varies from village to village, making each rug unique,” says Sayinli – something that appeals to his hippie sensibility and brings us back into the realm of handicraft.

The rugs as shown in exhibition:

I'm sharing two collections by these young artists with you today, both are silk and hand knotted. The rugs are really art pieces as opposed to mass produced products and can only be purchased through galleries such as Galerist in Turkey.

Traditional weavers from villages near Istanbul hand make the rugs based on computer generated patterns:

The finished project: Jørgen Can 1 (Hereke)

Silk Rugs (The Sex, Rock n Roll, Drugs and War Rugs):


detail of Sex:


detail of drugs:

Rock n' Roll:

detail of Rock n Roll:

weaving the Rock n' Roll rug:


detail of War:

weaving the War rug:

The Carpet Project:

Jørgen Can 1 (Kayseri):

Free Paris Hilton:

The last days of Maradona:

Breaking Bill Gates:

The Portrait of pope Benedict XVI:

Putin's input:

The sun went down on Queen Elizabeth II:

Saddam forever:

Snoop Dog, another wild American puppy:

A quick visit to Takashi land:

A Zizek composition:

Jørgen Evil Ekvoll- b. 03 April 1981, Oslo
Can Sayinli - b. 12 April 1981, Istanbul
Saylini Evkoll website.

TR-34340 Istanbul | Istiklal Cad. Misir Apt 311/4
Phone +90/212 - 244 82 30

If you like unusual, beautiful and artful rugs, be sure to see the over 130 rugs I've singled out for their design. Or search this blog for previous pots on rugs.

Anton Garcia-Abril's Hemeroscopium House: Cool Cantilevered Concrete

Located in Madrid, the Hemeroscopium House, designed by Anton Garcia-Abril and Ensamble Studio, took a full year to engineer but only seven days to actually build (including that amazing cantilevered swimming pool).

Albeit, it's not being embraced by the eco friendly community given its large carbon footprint (apparently 1 ton of concrete = 1 ton of carbon dioxide) and the fact that reader comments suggest it's 'blatantly wasteful'. Even Treehugger author Lloyd Alter smartly suggested that the beams should have been reappropriated 'from a dismantled highway'.

Regardless of its potentially negative effect on the environment, it's certainly has an aesthetically positive effect on me (although I do wonder who is gonna clean those two swimming pools and all those windows).

Hemeroscopium house materializes the peak of its equilibrium with what the Ensamble Studio ironically calls the “G point”, a twenty ton granite stone, expression of the force of gravity and a physical counterweight to the whole structure:

The order in which these structures are piled up generates a helix that sets out from a stable support, the mother beam, and develops upwards in a sequence of elements that become lighter as the structure grows, closing on a point that culminates the system of equilibrium. Seven elements in total.

The design of their joints respond to their constructive nature, to their forces; and their stresses express the structural condition they have. By the way this structure is set, the house becomes aerial, light, transparent, and the space kept inside flows with life. The apparent simplicity of the structure´s joints requires in fact the development of complex calculations, due to the reinforcement, and the pre-stress and post-tension of the steel rods that sew the web of the beams.

The Building Process:

The Architect with his team:

The Architect:

To see the entire building process including sketches and the architectural renderings, go to Arch Daily here.

Architects: Ensamble Studio
Location: Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain
Principal in Charge: Antón García- Abril
Collaborators: Elena Pérez, Débora Mesa, Jorge Consuegra, Marina Otero, Ricardo Sanz
Technical Architect: Javier Cuesta
Promotor: Hemeroscopium
Contractor: Materia Inorgánica
Project year: 2005-2008
Constructed Area: 400 sqm
Photographs: Ensamble Studio

special thanks to Ensamble Studios, Archinet and Archdaily for the images and info.

MINI Cooper, Airstream and Fritz Hansen: Cowabunga!

Airstream Inc. and MINI have teamed up to offer the best in both design and functionality with a one-off MINI Cooper S Clubman and Airstream creation designed by Republic of Fritz Hansen.

Republic of Fritz Hansen, the Copenhagen based premium furniture brand known for its minimalist and functional design, has spared no details when it came to designing the interior of the MINI Cooper S Clubman and Airstream trailer.

(click on photos to enlarge)

Drawing inspiration from the outdoor lifestyle of surfing, the Airstream interior will feature, amongst others, new interpretations of Arne Jacobsen’s Egg™ and Swan™ Chair and a table set up with four unique Series Seven™ chairs, allowing plenty of room for guests. Sleek wood panelling will top it off giving it the ultimate “modern surfer” look.

“Here at Republic of Fritz Hansen we are thrilled with the collaboration and really look forward to introducing this unique and eye catching concept,” says Jacob Holm, President and CEO at Republic of Fritz Hansen.

The MINI Cooper S Clubman will also reflect the same adventurous personality and style with clean lines, bold colours such as lightning green and all the interior gadgets you can expect to find in a MINI plus more.

The MINI Cooper S Clubman will be predominately jet black with black “wetsuit” neoprene accents along with green trim. The 22ft silver Airstream trailer will also enjoy the same exterior details as the MINI but will have an interior designed for beach goers with features such as a waterproof interior and a sun bathing bed.

The trailer, which showcases an über-chic custom-made interior by Copenhagen's Republic of Fritz Hansen, will be making cameos at events, exhibitions, and design fairs around the world. The first spotting will be at the Salone del Mobile show and the INTERNI DESIGN ENERGIES exhibition in Milan, Italy (April 21-30 2009).

source: MINI

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