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Jona Hoad: Making Light Of Design

Jona Hoad Design of London transforms wall panels, dividers, mirrors, chandeliers and more with light. By etching or carving glass and mirrored panels, illuminating them with colored led lights and in some cases, color-changing lights, Jona transforms interiors into glowing environments. In addition to projects for interiors of bars and hotels, installations on yachts and custom creations, Hoad also creates small art sculptures, lighting fixtures and more.

Bath screen:

All the patterns are available in various colors or color changing lights.



damask pattern:


Illumin-art, smaller table top pieces:

The Vanilla Bar interior:

The deVigne Bar in the Mandeville Hotel:


installations on the Sunseeker yacht:

Interior chandeliers and lights:

Catherine Wheel ceiling light:

celing light detail:

Simply clear collection:

wall mounted mirrors:

commercial applications (hotel room numbers):

contact info:
Jona Hoad Design
The Studio, Ashpools,
Northhall, Bucks, LU6 2HF
Tel: +44 (0) 1525 222364

Sneak Peek: The Karl Lagerfeld Barbie & Ken Photos For The Colette Celebration

Barbie celebrates her 50th birthday at uber chic French store Colette from March 9th-28th. And I have a sneak peek for you at the products and almost all of the highly anticipated photos shot by Karl Lagerfeld of Barbie with model Baptiste Giabiconi as Ken that will be displayed and then sold as silkscreen prints! Here they are:

In swimsuit, cocktail dress or a pair of jeans, Barbie strikes a pose with model Baptiste Giabiconi as Ken. Attention collectors: each picture will be available for sale, one silkscreen print on plastic only per picture.

Also, for the occasion, a "Barbie room" will be installed on the first floor presenting Jeremy Scott’s collection of Barbie clothing (photo below) and accessories as well as the following various exclusive products.

MP3 players:

Barbie Rocks of Beverly Hills jewelry:

Stila Make-up:
stationery, Dylan’s Candy Bar sweets:

and also a brand new line of beauty products:

Limited edition collaborations with designers selected by colette will also be available, among them are the following:

Married to the Mob t-shirts:

a Bless hairbrush:

an Uslu Airlines 219c pink nailpolish:

a hat-bag Azumi & David, Linda Farrow glasses:

Alexis Mabille bow ties, a Goyard trunk:

a Jawbone headset:

Domestic stickers, Bruno Frisoni stilettos... Even the water-bar will be Barbie style with a special edition of dessert Le Baiser by Ladurée.

Also, if you're in France, be sure to check out Colette's Barbie and Ken windows and the high security exhibition of the very first Barbie and Ken dolls, only on March 12th.

Special thanks to Mattel, Inc. and Colette for info and some of the images.

The Essence of Klimt by Moises González' Compared To The Real Thing

Above left: Judith mit dem Haupt Holofernes by Gustav Klimt and right; Moises González' version

I ran across these recreations of Gustav Klimt's work on the Behance network by photographer Moises González'and simply had to share them with you. As a long time fan of the Austrian painter, these fun recreations of his works captured my immediate attention. A clever group of talented folks have combined their photography, digital art, illustration, make-up, hair and styling (all found through Kattaca) to recreate some of Gustav's most famous paintings.

While other sites and blogs have shown these photos, I have placed them side by side - or underneath- with the originals by Klimt.

Above: The Kiss by Gustav Klimt (his most well-known painting)

Above: Moises González' version of The Kiss

Above: Adele Bloch Bauer by Gustav Klimt

Above: Moises González' version of Adele Bloch Bauer

Above: Danae by Gustav Klimt

Above: Moises González' version of Danae

Above left: Judith by Gustav Klimt and right; Moises González' version

Above left, Adam and Eve by Gustav Klimt, above right; Moises González' version

Above left: Portrait of Mada Primavesi by Gustav Klimt and Moises González' version of the Portrait of Mada Primavesi on the right

Above left: the Dance by by Moises González, above right; Gustav Klimt,

Above left: Water Serpents by Gustav Klimt, above right: Moises González' version

Above: The Virgin (or The Maiden) by Gustav Klimt

Above: Moises González's version of The Virgin (or The Maiden)

Title: La esencia de Klimt
Magazine: Ae
Photographer- Moises González
Art Direction, digital art, illustrated and Styling- Kattaca
Make up artist- Yurema Villa
Hairdresser- Raul Zarco

Please donate

C'mon people, it's only a dollar.