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Erwin Olaf: Elevating Retail Photography To Art Worth Collecting.

Above: The Egg vase by Moooi, shot by Erwin olaf

As an advertising art director, one mentally creates lists of 'blue sky' directors and photographers with whom they wish to work. Erwin Olaf is one of the photographers whose work I've admired for a long time and, along with Eugenio Recuenco, tops my list as the most lust-worthy photographers.

Just shy of 50 years old, Olaf was born in the Netherlands, lives and works in Amsterdam and has received several awards and has had many exhibitions of his works all over the world.

He's an incredibly versatile talent and can shoot everything from fashion, product, people, and more, all imbued with an artful eerieness and uniquely composed. Some of his work is overtly sexual, some incredibly macabre, and some almost heart-breaking. But all of it is beautiful.

He's shot for everything from Diesel to Nicorette, fashion editorials for Elle and the NY Times, lifestyle shots for Campbell's and Kohler, retail for Microsoft and Moooi and so much more.

I first discovered him when I came across his incredible product photography for Moooi, which he has done for the past 3 years. Often shooting such products as lights, vases and chairs results in a predictable shot. Not with Olaf. Here are just a few examples of that work:

In addition to his commissioned work for ad agencies and clients, he has many personal series and collections (often shown in galleries worldwide) from which I've pulled a few pieces to share with you.



Royal Blood:

Some shots from his latest work; Laboral Escena, Gijon, Spain:

I also wanted to show you, in detail, his digitally manipulated photography for a fashion photo editorial of couture clothing for the NY Times in 2006. In the shots shown below, you can see how the models 'meld' with their surroundings. Despite this unconventional way of shooting fashion, the unusual poses do not detract from the clothing and yet the photography now stands out from other fashion shots as original and memorable.














There's lots more to see, so check it out.
Erwin Olaf's website.

1078 CJ
TEL.: +31 20 692 34 38
FAX: +31 20 694 12 91

My other fave? Check out Eugenio Recuenco's work here.

The Crunchies; 2008 Tech Award Winners, Links and info

The 2008 Crunchies is TechCrunch's second annual competition and award ceremony to recognize and celebrate the most compelling startups, internet and technology innovations of the year.

The Awards Ceremony took place at 7:30 pm, Friday, January 9 at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco.

The Crunchies is co-hosted by GigaOm, VentureBeat, Silicon Alley Insider, and TechCrunch. Best of all, the internet community is invited to choose who wins.

This year’s nominees, runners up and winners (I've turned the 'winners' into links and added screen grabs for those of you unfamiliar with those products or services):

Best Application Or Service: Google Reader

Above: screen grab of the winner; Google Reader

Get Satisfaction
Google Reader (winner)
MySpace Music (runner-up)

Best Technology Innovation/Achievement: Windows Live Mesh

Above: screen grab of the winner; Windows Live Mesh

Facebook Connect (runner-up)
Google Friend Connect
Google Chrome
Windows Live Mesh (winner)
Yahoo BOSS

Best Design: Cooliris

Above: screen grab of the winner; Cooliris

Animoto (runner-up)
Cooliris (winner)

Best Bootstrapped Startup: GitHub

Above: screen grab of the winner; GitHub

GitHub (winner)
StatSheet (runner-up)

Most Likely To Make The World A Better Place: GoodGuide

Above: screen grab of the winner; GoodGuide

GoodGuide (winner)
Kiva (runner-up)
Better Place

Best Enterprise Startup: Amazon Web Services

Above: screen grab of the winner; Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (winner)
Google App Engine (runner-up)

Best International Startup: eBuddy

Above: screen grab of the winner; eBuddy

eBuddy (winner)
Wuala (runner-up)

Best Clean Tech Startup: Project Frog

Above: screen grab of the winner; Project Frog

Better Place (runner-up)
Boston Power
Laurus Energy
Project Frog (winner)

Best New Gadget/Device: iPhone 3G

Above: screen grab of the winner; iPhone 3G

Android G1 (runner-up)
Ausus EEE 1000 Series
Flip MinoHD
iPhone 3G (winner)

Best Time Sink Site/Application: Tap Tap Range

Above: screen grab of the winner; Tap Tap Range

Mob Wars
Tap Tap Range (winner)
Texas Hold Em (runner-up)

Best Mobile Startup: Evernote

Above: screen grab of the winner; Evernote

ChaCha (runner-up)
Evernote (winner)
Qik Skyfire

Best Mobile Application: Imeem Mobile

Above: screen grab of the winner; Imeem Mobile

Google Mobile Application (runner-up)
imeem mobile (winner)
Pandora Radio

Best Startup Founders: Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey & Biz Stone of Twitter

Above: screen grab of the winners; Twitter's Founders

Linda Avery and Anne Wojcicki (23andMe)
Michael Birch and Xochi Birch (Bebo)
Robert Kalin (Etsy)
Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone (Twitter ) (winner)
Paul Buchheit, Jim Norris, Sanjeev Singh, Bret Taylor (FriendFeed ) (runner-up)

Best Startup CEO: Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

Above: screen grab of the winner; Mark Zuckerberg

Tony Hsieh (Zappos)
Jason Kilar (Hulu) (runner-up)
Elon Musk (SpaceX)
Andy Rubin (Android)
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) (winner)

Best New Startup Of 2008: FriendFeed

Above: screen grab of the winner; FriendFeed
Dropbox (runner-up)
FriendFeed (winner)
Topsin Media

Best Overall Startup In 2008: Facebook

Above: screen grab of the winner; my own facebook profile

Amazon Web Services
Facebook (winner)
Twitter (runner-up)

Russian Born Artist Yulia Brodskaya's Paper Graphics

Russian born Yulia Brodskaya is a talented artist, graphic designer, typographer, and most impressively, paper sculptor. Her works are used in both commercial and personal applications and her paper graphics are precious 3D sculptures that incorporate all her talents into one art form. Take a look at some of them:

In light of my recent post about the popularity of Hedgehogs in design, I must share with you her hedgehog illustrations:

About the artist:

Yulia born in Russia where she started out as a fine artist producing contemporary office decoration artwork for Moscow based companies while studying for her first degree in Graphic Design. In 2004 she moved to London, earned her M.A. in Graphic Communication and since then has been busy with parallel careers as an illustrator and a freelance graphic designer.

Awards: 1st prize in the Russian Conceptual Packaging Design Competition; in recognition of typographic achievement she was elected a Member of the International Society of Typographic Designers (2006). Clients include Orange, RedBull, BBH, How2 T-shirts, International Organ Festival, ARMI, Touchnote cards and CUBE magazine.

She says "I'm constantly experimenting and evolving, always pushing my style in new directions: my greatest passion is to explore the ways of combining illustration and typography."

A special thanks to Betsy Wills for pointing out Yulia's work to me!


If you like cut paper art, you cannot miss the amazing work of Peter Callesen and Helen Musslewhite

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