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DWR Kibbitzes About KoolHaas


above: Dutch Architect Rem Koolhaas

Architect Rem Koolhaas turned up in San Francisco last month and gave a presentation to a packed house composed mostly of students at the San Francisco Art Institute. I was lucky enough to get in and find a seat on the floor in front of the first row. Sitting quite close to him, I was almost as transfixed by his body movements, mannerisms and words as I was by his slideshow. Rem Koolhaas cuts a unique profile – skinny, big eared, tall and hunched over the podium, he is equal parts intensity, intellect and designer machismo dressed in black, like a stalking heron ready to strike. He has a great sense of humor as well.

At his best, it was like listening to Dylan Thomas with an almost poetic flurry of words and images held together by a global world view and cynicism about man's intentions and the effects of modernism. At his worst, well there was no worst. It was one of the most entertaining and provocative design presentations I have ever attended. If you get the chance to hear Koolhaas speak, don't pass it up.

Koolhaas ripped through 134 slides that varied from frustrated clients' emails to global maps of his own design, hand drawn esoteric charts to photos of urban landscapes taken from helicopters and more. Click here for examples. He is a master presenter, a skill he must maintain as a rock star architect having to compete for major projects with the other marquee names. "I am always in competition with ten of my best friends," says Koolhaas, "and resort to unusual tactics to get the commission. It is very legitimate to question my motives." Koolhaas admits he is complicit in the "obscene extravagance" of "starchitecture" and sees no end in sight. But he identifies the evil forces and takes shots at them and their buildings (and at himself) in words and images. The text below is just one example of the slides he presented:

"The Enemy: Suits, with mustaches and receding hairlines with suspect waistlines huddled in a collective pose of preemptive servility, architects from a city that was put on the map by a single outrageous building when it was nothing – grown-up preemies of the Bilbao effect – they peddle their soulless wares with shameless calculation – Anglo termites of pragmatism – or tell reassuring fairy tales like the 'Skyscraper as Citizen' as if to four year olds."

above: the new Casa da Musica by Dutch superstar architect Rem Koolhaas

Few of Koolhaas' own buildings were included in his presentation and he appears to have little interest in talking about himself. Instead, he prefers to pounce on political, economic and global ideas that he then uses to frame his largely conceptual work. Decrying Dubai as a bad theme park for architecture, Koolhaas used elegant graphic slides to show how architecture has followed the fortunes of oil and the stock market in a new but "poisonous" silk route of trade across Europe. The yen, the euro and the dollar are held up as symbols of support and corruption, made elegant through his barrage of graphics and language. Less is not more with Koolhaas. He revels in complexity while simultaneously showing examples of new works that he designed with generic intent.

Above: the Dutch Embassy in Berlin, designed by Koolhaas

There are not many people who can be self-effacing and arrogant in the same breath, but this maybe Koolhaas' genius. It certainly is his character. He checked his watch perpetually throughout his presentation as he had to make a flight that night. But he slowed down after his talk and listened and responded to audience questions in the style of the best teacher, with spontaneous responses that made every question seem more insightful than it was. He is at his best in this role, the ideas guy, which makes it fitting that he also teaches at Harvard.

above: Koolhaas' Seattle Public Library

I wrote a piece on his Seattle Public Library recently click here to read it . If you get the chance to visit this facility, it is a phenomenon and is in keeping with the spirit of the man himself, though it was designed with significant input from the community. Before seeing the library, I was familiar with Koolhaas' work for Prada in New York and the Guggenheim in Las Vegas, but it was the SPL that made me understand how it was that Koolhaas earned the 2000 Pritzker Architecture Prize .

above: Rem Koolhaas' Soho PRADA store

Koolhaas' Art Institute presentation was punctuated with bold graphic images and the seemingly intentional use of color to bring out ideas. His "barcode" concept for a European Community flag is an excellent example in the way it uses country colors, fused in bars, to create unity in disparity. How much more provocative and insightful this is when compared with the flag that was chosen, with its ring of stars that suffers in anonymity. Color is not a tool used frequently in modernism where industrial materials like glass, metal and plastic are the norm, and is more often associated with decoration and the covering up of surfaces. It takes a special character to make color work in modernism. Koolhaas is a special character.

above: Koolhaas' proposed new European Community Flag

Rob Forbes
Founder DWR

Funky Find of the Week: Alberto Frias' Sleeping Pod

Alberto Frias' Transport- Illuminated sleeping pod!

Designed by Alberto Frias, this modern illuminated sleeping pod, called The Transport, uses led lights by Color Kinetics. It will be available at the CA Boom show in Santa Monica (see earlier post) for a mere 10,000$

To learn more about the Transport, click here.

Alberto Frias

Elephant Poo Paper Products For You!

While surfing the net, I found this unusual product via one of my favorite sites, Notcot.

Paper products actually made from Elephant Poo. That's right...Efelump Dung Journals and Notecards.

How do they do it?

The making of paper starts with the collection and processing of the dung pulp. Elephant dung is typically full of short to medium grained fibrous materials from the elephants diet which when processed makes excellent paper:

• We collect naturally dried elephant dung from elephant conservation parks and bring it back to our paper-making factory.

• We then pre-rinse the elephant dung with water, leaving only the fibrous materials from the grasses, bamboo & fruits they've eaten.

• Afterwards, we place the fibers into a giant pot of boiling water to ensure the fibers are super clean. After this thorough cleaning, any color that we may want to add can be added.

• Natural fibers from banana trees & pineapples are added to the dung mixture so the paper will be thicker & stronger.

• Once this is all mixed together, we separate the moist fibers into small “cakes' or “wafers” of about 300-400 grams each.
• The cakes are spread evenly over a mesh-bottomed tray measuring about 60cm by 90cm.

• The tray is leaned up against a tree, angled toward the sun and allowed to dry naturally for a few hours.

• Once dry, we peel the sheet of paper from the mesh tray and start making Poo Poo Paper products.

This is how we made the hand made paper stationary and our how to make recycled paper process!

above: Journals

above: Notecards

A Brief History Of The Elephant:
The elephant can be traced back 26 million years when there were many species that had similar characteristics as today's elephants. Today, only two living species remain: the African Elephant and the Asian Elephant.

Elephants have been used in various capacities by humans over the years. They wee used in the military and for heavy labor, such as uprooting trees and moving logs. They have also played a strong role in religion: a white elephant is considered holy in Thailand ; Ganesh, the Hindu God of wisdom, has an elephant's head.

Today, elephants are facing numerous threats: the disappearance of natural habitats due to human activity, and poaching for their ivory tusks, meats and hides, to name a few. Many experts believe there is little future for the elephant outside protected areas.

Elephants used to exist in great numbers across Africa and parts of Asia but today these gentle giants are endangered. Rampant ivory poaching from 1979-89 more than halved Africa 's wild elephant populations from 1.4 million to a mere 600,000. Today, numbers may be as low as 400,000. In Asia , it is estimated that no more than 40,000 Asian elephants remain in the wild.

above: Stationery

The answers to commonly asked questions:

Question #1: Do your products smell?

This is by far the most asked question we receive! Our products do not smell at all...not like poo anyways! Our products smell like normal stationery type products although we have been experiementing with adding some nice aromas to our poo papers. We've had requests from cinnamon, lemon and coffee scented papers......we're working in this!!!!!

Our products don't smell because we allow the fresh elephant poo poo to completely dry up first then we thoroughly rinse and wash the elephant dung and all we're really left with are the fibres from the vegetation that the elephant didn't digest. That stuff doesn't stink!

Question #2: How many journals can you make from an average piece of elephant poo?

We can make about 25 large sheets of paper from a single piece (or turd) of elephant poo poo!!! That translates into about 10 standard sized journals including the front and back covers! Neat, huh!?!?!?

Question #3: Do you have other types of products?

Currently, we have over 150 unique items in our collection. Most of those items you cannot see on our website and need to go to the stores that carry our products for you to purchase. These products also include picture frames, photo albums, book marks, small storage boxes for keepsakes, gift bags and wine bags in addition to the many styles of journals, noteboxes, greeting cards etc. that we make and sell. We have many new products coming down the chute over the next few months and into 2007 so check back here regularly!

Get it here. Your source for hand made paper stationary.

Design You Could Just Eat Up: New Plasticware For Spring

If it's hip, it's here.
Spring has sprung and that means it time for picnics and outdoor entertaining!

Good design has crept into the plasticware market and here are just a few fabulous finds.

Clockwise from upper left: Pandora Designs ornate plasticware, available in clear as well as other colors, Heavy Stainless-steel looking plasticware, Philipe Starck's fabulous new LUX dinnerware, and The Snap-a-Party by Fred.

Click on the item to be taken directly to the place of purchase.

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