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Ferm Living Opens US online store!

Now, it's not that we needed yet another beautiful wallpaper and wall sticker manufacturer or designer, but we have one. Ferm Living makes some of the most beautiful wallpaper's imaginable and now you can purchase their beautiful products online in the US.

They're also coming out with a bedding collection soon!

Buy Ferm wallpapers and wall stickers here.

Artists Take A Seat: Paintings Of Chairs by 5 Different Artists.

The subject of 'chairs' for painters is clearly a popular one. Be them industrial, traditional, mid-century modern or ethereal, they dominate many a painters' canvas.

Going back to such masters as Sargent, Van Gogh and Matisse as well as contemporary masters like David Hockney, the 'chair' has been a constant source of study.

Above: Chair by William Singer Sargent

Above: Chair With Peaches (or Lorain Chair), Henri Matisse

Above: Van Gogh's ubiquitous chair

Above: David Hockney's Chair painting

There are so many talented contemporary artists who paint chairs as subjects, it was hard to choose whose work to share with you.

For this particular post, I've showcased some prolific contemporary realists and their chair paintings.

Like the previous post on swimming pools, I love the the fact that these chairs are not occupied by people. It makes the actual chair the figure in the painting, personifying it in such a manner that a human presence would only fight with the content.

I hope you enjoy the following works by Ada Sadler, Karen Hollingsworth, James Shilaimon, Christopher Stott and Matt Condron.

Ada Sadler
Some of Ada Sadler's beautifully rendered work:

Karen Hollingsworth
Karen Hollingsworth's
elegant, ethereal and lonely chairs:

Above: Karen Hollingsworth

James Shilaimon
Below are some of James Shilaimon's breezy and inviting chair paintings:

Christopher Stott
The technically superb work of Christopher Stott:

Above: Christopher Stott

Matt Condron
And lastly, Matt Condron's work, evocative of middle America's waiting rooms, bus terminals and laundromats:

Have a thing for chairs? Then these may interest you:

Above: Tashen's book on Chairs
Buy it here.

Above: Vitra's Chair Poster

Buy the Vitra Chair Poster here.

Vitra's Miniature Chair Collection. All available designs can be bought by clicking the link below:
Available for purchase here.

JC Penney's "Heart", a commercial earning much deserved praise

Given that I have been in advertising for over 20 years I am always reluctant to include any form of it on my blog --call it a reluctance to mix business with pleasure.

Nevertheless, I cannot ignore this charming, beautifully produced, strategically sound spot by Saatchi & Saatchi NY for JC Penney named "Heart". Every time it airs, I find myself in rapt attention at the well-cast leads, the inventive effects and the universal appeal of the subject matter.

Clearly, I am not alone since it has been repeatedly tagged a 'favorite'on you tube many times along with 'making of' videos, etc.

Please enjoy:

The Commercial (:60 second cut)


The making of:

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, NY
copywriter: Craig Love
art director: Shayne Millington,
agency producer: Zamile Vilakaz
Director: Dougal Wilson
Creative Directors: Kerry Kennan and Michael Long

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