above: a dead stuffed pig featuring Wim Delvoye's tattoos

Above: Artist Wim Delvoye tattooing a live pig
My last post on artist Wim Delvoye, his pig farm and his tattooed pigs has received so much interest - as well as controversy- that I'm sure to stir up the pot by showing you where you can see more of his actual tattooed pigs (in this case, stuffed as opposed to live) as well as his framed tattooed pigskins.

Above: stuffed tattooed pigs from the exhibit at Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin
Animal lovers have made some comments about how cruel it is to ink live pigs, but from what information I have been able to find, it seems that pigs nerve endings are far less sensitive in their skin than our own and tattooing them does not cause pain as it does on human skin.
Critics should also know that artist Wim Delvoye is a vegetarian and owns his own pig farm.
The tattooed pig skin pieces below are at the Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin in Paris.

Tattooing pigs, live on his art farm, or stuffed and on exhibit are just a small part of this Belgian artists' unusual repertoire. See his site here.
See the skins and stuffed pigs at Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin by clicking here.

See the original post with many pics of tattooed swine as well as an interview with the artist here.

Now you can get your own Wim Delvoye Action Figure! Check this out!