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Showing posts with label patricia chidlaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patricia chidlaw. Show all posts

Artists Take The Plunge: Part III- More Pool Paintings

....continued from yesterday's post Artist's Take The Plunge Part II, which featured paintings of people swimming, in and around pools.

Now take a look at some of paintings of children in pools:

A few of Michael Blessing's paintings:

and Wendy Willis' work:

Pipa Lehar's "Poolside":

and Fiona Jack's "Learning To Swim":

Clearly, another popular subject are people hanging poolside, as witnessed by these numerous appealing renderings:

Above: DJ Hall's "Above It All"

Above: Terry Rodger's "Burfield's"

Above: Bea Kuhlke's "The Pool"

Above: Scott Bricher's "St.John Pool"

Above: Laura Loe's "At The Pool"

Above: Kay Crain's "Ladies by The Pool"

Above: Robert Floyd's "Poolside"

And At Night:

Above: Patricia Chidlaw's Girl In Pool

Above: Linda Christensen's Reflection

Not to be missed, are these fabulous, further abstracted depictions of people in pools:

By Isca Greenfield Sanders:

Lisa Wright:


Above: Moto Kotsuki's serene "poolside"

I could go on and on.

I have undoubtedly left out hundreds of talented artists who paint pools and people in them. So, forgive me. I just hope you can appreciate the small sampling of talent I found and find their work as inspiring and captivating as I do.

Be sure to read Part I (great paintings of pools without people) and Part II (paintings of people swimming).

Artists Take The Plunge: Swimming Pool As Subject

I got such a wonderful response to my post about varying artists' freeway and overpass paintings, that I thought I'd do the same with one of my other favorite subjects; the swimming pool.

Years ago, I bought one of my favorite paintings, an empty swimming pool painted by Christy Botkin Reeves of Los Angeles. Unfortunately, a nasty subletter stole the painting upon being evicted from my if you see it, let me know (seriously...).

Perhaps it's the stillness of pools when no one is in them, or the beckoning of an empty pool, that appeals to me. But either way, I'm clearly not the only one who finds beauty in them.

Above: My now stolen pool painting by Christy Botkin Reeves, 48" x 72"

When it came time to replace it, I was craving one of Glenn Ness' photo realism pool paintings, but couldn't afford an original the size I wanted.

Here are a few of his that I've coveted:

Above: Glenn Ness' Should I have Stayed?

Above: After The Lie, 12" x 18", Glenn Ness

Above: A Mysterious Childhood by Glenn Ness

Above: Fading Of June by Glenn Ness

Above: Maintenance by Glenn Ness

Upon realizing I'd never have the huge Glenn Ness original of my dreams, nor would I get my Christy Botkin Reeves' back, I actually began looking for pool paintings. This became a labor of love, not to mention enlightening.

Anyone familiar with David Hockney is aware of his fabulous pool paintings and images of pools done with paper pulp and printed as monotypes. For those who aren't, let me show you:

Above: David Hockney's "A Bigger Splash"

Above: David Hockney's "Pool With 2 Figures"

Above: Hockney's painting "Peter getting out of of Nick Wilder's Pool"

As I said, he not only painted pools, he used paper pulp to create monotypes of pools, now very collectible. The one below went for over $5,000 at Sotheby's in 2000 and would easily fetch over double that now:

Well, by now I was hung up on the photo realism thing after Glenn Ness, so this led me to find several contemporary realists who knew their way around a pool, so to speak.

There were so many talented artists who paint pools.
Empty Pools.
Still pools.
Pools at Night.

I'm going to break this article into three posts.
Today's is just paintings of POOLS, next week will be paintings of PEOPLE SWIMMING IN POOLS, so be sure to come back.

Johannes Schramm and his photo-realistic pools:


And one of my other absolute most coveted artists, Patricia Chidlaw:

Above: Whites Motel

Above: Still Pool

Above: Pool and Birds of Paradise

Above: Patricia Chidlaw's White Chairs

I've always been a fan of Rick Monzon's work and was happy to see that he, too, painted a pool!

Above: Rick Monzon's Florida Pool

Above is Cindy Stapper's Vernal Invitation

Above: Sharilyn Neidhardt's Lazy pool

Above: James P. Kimack's Pool

Above: My Houses (Pool with Waterfalls) by Julia Jacquette
available here from Pace Prints.
Below: Jane Freilicher's The Pool:

Available at the Tibor De Nagy Gallery
For today, I will leave you with another one of Glenn Ness's works and be sure to see the upcoming post about swimming in pools, it's almost twice as long!

Above: ... finally, Glen Ness' Long Thoughts

Be sure to see the amazing pool paintings in the following posts:

Part II: Paintings of People Swimming

Part III: More People Swimming Paintings

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