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Showing posts with label iphone gadgets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iphone gadgets. Show all posts

Gimme Power iPhone & iPod Chargers Extend A Hand To Charity

GIMME POWER has an un-wired past: originally conceived a remote control holder for the Ritz Carlton in Dana Point, California its new incarnation as a charging station for iPhones and iPods is the brainchild of Ana Piscuskas, daughter of York Street Studio principals, Linda Zelenko and Stephen Piscuskas. Ana recognized the hand's potential as a wired unit and her follow through brought the unit to life.

"Gimme Power" iPhone Charger

The sculpted ceramic hands hold, charge, and sync your iPhone® or iPod® while plugged into your computer. Dimensions: 5.25"W x 3"D x 7.75"T. USA.

Available in all white for $180.00 at Neiman Marcus

Or in a silver version (aluminum over ceramic) for $250 from York Street

The History of Gimme Power

Every year GIMME POWER will extend a helping hand to a designated charitable organization. In 2010 a percentage of the net sales from GIMME POWER will go to the McCarton Foundation.

New App For iPhone: Ushow Video Recorder!

With the growing popularity of the Flip Ultra video recorder (which I blogged about as one of my picks for christmas gifts this past year), I wondered when iphone was going to have an easy-to-use video recorder. Well, I can stop wondering.

uShow is a video recording and video sharing application for the iPhone. Still in development, the application did have a closed beta testing quite a ways back, so it should be available soon.

It sounds as though you can share your video creations easily on social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, Friendster, Metacafe, and Photobucket. In addition, you'll be able to e-mail the video or save it directly to your iPhone.

The site is clearly new and still has many sections 'under construction' and told to 'check back soon', but there is a sign up list for all you iPhone-ophiles to join the beta registration as of this sunday night (4/20).

Click on the images below to enlarge:

Don't forget, sign up here on april 20th!

Note: They obviously have a good sense of humor since their sign up page for the beta registration on 4/20 has Cheech and Chong on it. If you don't get the correlation between 4/20 and Cheech and Chong, that's your loss.

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