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Showing posts with label conceptual design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conceptual design. Show all posts

The RbG Rainbow Eyeglasses By Luis Porem.

An unusual and interesting design concept for glasses from Luis Porem. The frame of his RbG Rainbow glasses are designed as a hollow structure in which colorful ink can be poured to give the clear frames a splash of color. Made of transparent plastic, the flexible part of the temple arm can be filled with water-based ink.

The designer:

Portugal born designer Luis Porem has lots of interesting things in his portfolio. Check out his work here.

From Spray Can To Catwalk. Fabrican Spray-On Couture Collection.

You may have seen or read some blog posts and news articles about this futuristic fashion innovation which consists of spray-on clothing. The idea has been in the works for over a decade and the patent for Fabrican was filed in 2000. Starting a few weeks ago, news reports, magazines like Wired, fashion and trend blogs like Trendland and more began covering the concept yet again.

Just last week, the Spring/ Summer 2011 collection of the spray-on couture was showcased at a fashion show at Imperial College London. I've got some of those images for you so now you can really some some wild results of this technological future of fashion.

The show is a culmination of 10 years of work by Dr. Torres, who has collaborated with Professor Paul Luckham, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical technology, to create a seamless material called Fabrican Spray-on fabric. The technology enables designers to spray liquid material directly onto the body, using aerosol technology, which dries instantly to make innovative clothes that can be washed and re-worn.

More than 300 key figures from industry, academia, fashion and the media came to the College to see Dr. Manel Torres (shown above with the models in the show's finale), Spanish fashion designer and academic visitor at Imperial, unveil his 2011 Spring/Summer Collection at the Science in Style Fashion Show. The event celebrated design-led technology developed at Imperial.

Behind the scenes, creating the dressed for the show:

So, what is Fabrican?

Fabrican ltd. is the creator of Spray-on Fabric, or couture in a can. A technological innovation that will not only lighten your vacation packing, but can also be used in medical, automotive and other numerous applications.

Fabrican Spray-on © Fabrican Ltd 2007, Photographer Gene Kiegel.  

Some history for you:
In 2000 Fabrican patented an instant, sprayable, non-woven fabric. Developed through a collaboration between Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art, Fabrican technology has captured the imagination of designers, industry and the public around the world.

The technology has been developed for use in household, industrial, personal and healthcare, decorative and fashion applications using aerosol cans or spray-guns, and will soon be found in products available everywhere.

 © Fabrican Ltd 2007, Photographer Adam Parker

The inventor, Manel Torres:

© Imperial College London / Layton Thompson. Fabrican Ltd 2010.

In the late 1990's, Manel Torres conceived the idea for Spray-on Fabric while studying for his MA in Fashion Women's Wear, Royal College of Art, London. Aware of the slow process of constructing garments, Manel investigated novel ways to speed up this process. Manel's foresight and vision led him to think of developing a material that would almost magically fit the body like a second skin and at the same time have the appearance of clothing. The original concept was to utilize Spray-on Fabric in the fashion industry. However, the technology has the potential to revolutionize and enhance numerous market areas.

One example would be the "Nicotine chair"shown below. Given developments in the pharma/biotech industry, and the flexible adhesive properties of Fabrican's technology, slow release systems like that of nicotine can be absorbed by sitting on a chair sprayed with Fabrican.

© Fabrican Ltd 2007, Photographer Fabrican Ltd
 above: Nicotine Chair "Sit down and quit smoking"

Manel Torres obtained his PhD at the Royal College of Art and then in 2000, filed a patent for the Spray-On Fabric technology. During his PhD research, his work was supervised by Dr Susannah Handley (Royal College of Art) and Professor Paul Luckham (Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London). Fabrican is focused on the research and development of Spray-on Fabric which can then be used across a number of market sectors; medical, automotive and fashion. Fabrican's mission is to develop prototype products, in collaboration with leading industrial partners, leading to commercial exploits and applications.

  © Imperial College London / Layton Thompson. Fabrican Ldt 2010. above: The fabric is formed by the cross-linking of fibers, which adhere to one another, to create an instant non-woven fabric that can be easily sprayed on to any surface. Its properties can be tailored to meet the needs of each user.

© Fabrican Ltd 2010 above: A multitude of fabrics of varied colors, textures, and properties, all sprayable from an aerosol can.

Science and fashion in collaboration, Fabrican spray-on fabric will liberate designers to create new and unique garments, offer a carrier technology for delivery of fragrance or even medical active substances, and allow the wearer to personalize their wardrobe in infinite combinations. New textures and material characteristics are a matter of adjusting chemistry. In addition to fashion, the technology is opening new vistas, offering sprayable material for any application requiring a fabric coating. The technology opens new vistas for personalized fashion, allowing individual touches to be added to manufactured garments, or even impromptu alterations. Garments could incorporate fragrances, active substances, or conductive materials to interface with information technology. After a decade of research, this futuristic vision is taking shape.


Fabrican is a rare achievement in transforming a dream to practical realisation. Through combination of clever exploitation of people’s immediate fascination with the spray-on fabric, and Manel’s extraordinary ability to motivate multi-disciplinary collaboration, Fabrican has brought interest and worldwide media coverage.

© Fabrican Ltd 2007 , Photographer Fabrican Ltd © Fabrican Ltd 2007 Photographer Miguel Domingos

  images, videos and information courtesy of Fabrican, Ltd. and the Imperial College of London

An Amphibious Floating Garden That Purifies The Water, The Physalia.

The Gulf could use of couple of these right now. A futuristic vessel designed to clean European waterways, the “Physalia” project is an architectural prototype that aims at meeting the mutual needs of the sustainable management of water as a resource by architect Vincent Callebaut.

A half aquatic and half earthly amphibious vessel, it's a nomadic hydrodynamic laboratory dedicated to implement an international network of scientific partnerships. A floating purification system that is completely self-sufficient.

The vessel is designed to handle all types of water recycling (rainwater, international and domestic), purify water from agricultural pollutants, desalinate sea water, and cleanse induced waste such as sludge and ashes.

As transportation, it promotes commercial and fluvial transport, linking the Rhine and the Danube and the Seine-Escaut waterway. It can be used as agricultural irrigation, to cool industrial power stations and to promote hydro-electricity production.

“Physalia” is innovative scientific equipment dedicated to investigate solutions as much as it is an innovation unto itself. A “clean” vessel, for a new generation, it produces no sulfur or carbon emmissions.

Physalia is 100% self sufficient in terms of energy. Its bionic structure is inspired from the pneumatophorous called “Physalia physalis” stemming from the Greek term "physalis" which means “water bubble”.

This aquatic pneumatophorous has perfect symmetry, an oblong shape and is partially translucent. It is the summation of natural and biotechnological ways to navigate on the European rivers - between the Danube and the Volga, the Rhine and the Guadalquivir, the Euphrates and the Tiger.

Its architecture is designed to utilize renewable energies and produces more energy than it consumes. Its roof contains a double pneumatic membrane with photovoltaic solar cells and under its hull, the hydro-turbines transform the energy of the fluvial stream into hydro-electricity, enabling it to navigate the waters.

The green roof with its pneumatic membrane and photovoltaic solar cells:

At night:

Aluminum covers the multi-hull steel structure. This silver-plated dress is covered by a Titanium Dioxide layer that reacts to the ultraviolet rays, enabling the vessel to reduce water pollution.

Hull construction and a view of the air garden:

In addition to being a self cleaning vessel, it can absorb and recycle by way of a photo-catalytic effect, the chemical and carbon waste in the water rejected by the traditional boats and by industrialists.

The interior of the Physalia illustrates the future of water travel by dividing it into four thematic gardens.

An interior look at the water and air gardens:

The “Water” garden: This marks the main entrance of Physalia between the berthing gates and the square. A great glass platform is suspended atop the water's surface reflecting on the interior vault. This reception space is dedicated to temporary exhibitions and the façades of the true aquatic balcony can also open to the landscape to be caressed by the outside breezes.

The water garden cross section and interior:

The “Earth” garden: This section constitutes the heart of the laboratory dedicated to international researchers who analyze the aquatic ecosystem. On top of this panoramic room, a planted vault stands.

The “Fire” garden: A confined and protected underwater lounge where armchairs surround a huge fireplace burning in the fireproofed hull of the vessel. One can access the planted garden from the circular banister that spreads under the planted vault and around the flames. One can admire the fauna and the flora in the middle of the vessel through the two panoramic glass portholes. It is a space dedicated to the permanent exhibits of aquatic ecosystems.

The “Air” garden: This is a space of oxygen and light spread under a pneumatophorous lens. This ecologic amphitheater opens towards the exterior landscape. In the center, we find an “H2O” acronym extruded under the shape of a circular and rotating water bar.

The Air Garden cross section and interior:

Man is in the center of this project which represents the balance between human action and respect for the environment. The architecture of this nomadic vessel, the concentration of nature, of biotechnology, information and communication is thus a reflection of the contemporary citizen who wonders about how his or her the actions effect the environment.

It is an audacious avant-garde project aimed at combining people with the notion of water respect, sharing in movement and dynamic balance. It is a project of trans-european leadership and a positive innovation of ecologic resilience.

To read the extremely verbose English translation, as well as the french version of this text, go here.

CONCEPT: Amphibious garden cleaning European waterways / Floating laboratories, museum and forum
YEAR: 2010
ARCHITECT: Vincent Callebaut
LOCATION: European waterways : Seine, Thames, Volga, Danube, Escaut, etc.
DIMENSIONS: 9m50 height, 80m length, 14m90 width
PERSPECTIVES: Philippe Steels

all images used with permission by architect Vincent Callebaut


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