I know there are many wonderfully innovative and creative projects out there asking for your funding on sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter. But this one is truly worthwhile and supports two causes close to my own heart - Animals and Art. Rob Snow and the artists put a ton of work into it and the rewards for contributing are terrific (shown further down in the post), so I hope you will consider helping them fund the project.

above: "Rooooaaar!" by Rob Snow, the brainchild behind the Creative Pet Project
Over the past two years, 111 artists and illustrators from around the world have come together to form the Creative Pet Project. Their intent is to create a unique and beautiful book - but a book with a difference. The aim of the book would be to raise funds for numerous charities which support animals. For this reason the criteria for inclusion in the book was to have a companion animal and, at the same time, include animals in the artwork.

Many a well-known name in art genres such as pop surrealism, lowbrow art, and children’s book illustration have come together because they share a goal and motivation; to help animals.

Just a few participating in the project are Tara McPherson, Martin Wittfooth, Chet Zar, Dilka Bear, John Brophy, Ana Bagayan, Sas Christian, Brian Kesinger (of Teagirl fame) and Brandt Peters/Kathie Olivas. The talent in the book is endless.

above left: artists Sas and Colin Christian with Bunny and Brody; above right: artist Carol Rizzo with her cat, Bear.
Many of the artists (65%) have rescue animals. They have become passionate about their connection to animals, which shows in the amazing artwork which this project has selected. To give you an idea of some of the talent included, here is a selection of some of those featured in the project (click their names to visit their sites/article sites). Raffaele Bafefit, Ana Bagayan, Dilka Bear, Chris Brett, John Brophy, Chris Buzelli, Rachel Caldwell, Erica Calardo, John Casey, Mary Chiaramonte, Sas Christian, David Cowles, Chris Crites, Antonio Segura Donat, Lola Gil, Paulina Góra, Fabio Hurtado, Jon Jaylo, Andy Kehoe, Brian Kesinger, Jean-Christian Knaff, Anita Kunz, Jen Lobo, Tara McPherson, Jackie Morris, Ricardo Martinez Ortego, Yuko Shimizu, Heiidi Tailleferr, Martin Wittfooth, Chet Zar
Artwork from the Creative Pet Project:
The book is now ready, and ready to print. On Saturday, February 1st they launched a funding campaign at Indiegogo (igg.me/at/cpp-book), in the hopes of raising enough money to publish the book as well as continue the project for further volumes.
The charities to benefit from the book are planned at three per volume. The first volume's proceeds would go toward PETA, IFAW and Born Free USA. These charities are doing invaluable work for animals, the environment and education.
Below is the pitch from Rob Snow, the creative force behind the project, used on Indiegogo:
The perks/rewards:
For helping fund the book, perks include wonderful prints by the artists who contributed to it.
The Creative Pet Project asked the contributing members to add some pieces of work to the possible perks included for this campaign. Many have given permission to do limited prints of the work included, some signed, some unsigned. Original pieces, and other items to interest you in contributing. There are so many they have listed them so you can see and choose the week that you'd like to get the perk.
Week One ~ 1st - 7th Feb and Week Five ~ 1st - 7th March:

1. "Madonna" by Anita Cruz - limited edition print ($300) Signed 14.5"x16" 1 available
2. "Boris" by Kristin Tercek - limited edition print ($50) Signed 11”x14” 1 available
3. "Foxes" by Yating Sun - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 11”x15” 4 available
4. "Rooooaaar!" by Rob Snow - limited edition print ($150) Signed 27”x19” 10 available
5. "Pets" by Rob Reger - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 8”x10” 25 available
6. "Las Abejas No Tienen Rey" by Sergio Chaves - limited edition print ($40) Unsigned 11”x16” 10 available
7. "Manny" by Rick Dienzo Blanco - limited edition print ($30) Signed 10”x10” 25 available
8. "Wisdom" by Jon Jaylo - limited edition print ($80) Signed 11”x17” 10 available
9. "Somewhere" by Dilka Bear - limited edition print ($68) Unsigned 12.7”x16” 3 available
10. "untitled106" by Paulina Góra - original painting ($250) Signed 27”x19” 1 available
11. "Water Animals" by Rachel Caldwell - limited edition print ($250) Signed 13”x13" 1 available
12. "Wisdomseeker" by Lorena Krause - limited edition print ($50) Signed 7”x11” 1 available
Week Two ~ 8th Feb - 14th & Week Six ~ 8th - 14th March

1. "Mr.Froggy" by Erica Calardo - limited edition print ($60) Signed 5.83"x8.27” 1 available
2. "Crow" by Yating Sun - limited edition print ($50) Signed 7”x11” 3 available
3. "Where are you" by Jen Lobo - limited edition print ($50) Signed 7”x11” 10 available
4. "C'mon Baby Light My Fire" by Anita Kunz - limited edition print ($300) Signed 14.5”x16” 1 available
5. "pro32" by Paulina Góra - original sketch ($35) Signed 8”x11” 1 available
6. "Betula" by Kristen Tercek - limited edition print ($50) Signed 11”x14” 1 available
7. "Sunrise" by Cole Lemke - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 11”x16” 10 available
8. "Gatorcat" by William B Hand - limited edition print ($80) Unsigned 16”x21” 10 available
9. "Somewhere - part 2" by Dilka Bear - limited edition print ($68) Unsigned 12.7”x16” 3 available
10. "India" by Jean-Christian Knaff - limited edition print ($90) Signed 16”x11” 80 available
11. "Blancaflor" by Tesa González - limited edition print ($100) Signed 16”x11” 10 available
12. "Pimp My Ride" by Rob Snow - limited edition print ($120) Signed 16”x21” 10 available
13. "Pet Portrait" by Lou Pimentel - limited edition print ($150) Signed 4.5”x6” 1 available
Week Three ~ 15th - 22nd Feb & Week Seven ~ 15th - 22nd March

1. "Cat Lover(s)" by John Casey - limited edition print ($68) Unsigned 11”x16” 10 available
2. "Hope for Rain" by Marco Piunti - limited edition print ($60) Signed 16”x21” 10 available
3. "Zephur" by Kirstin Tercek - limited edition print ($50) Signed 11”x14” 1 available
4. "The Monkees" by Anita Kunz - limited edition print ($300) Signed 14.5”x16” 1 available
5. "En Attente Expectations" by Marty-Cruz - limited edition print ($30) Unsigned 8.27”x11.69” 10 available
6. "Girl Green" by Yating Sun - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 11”x17” 3 available
7. "Human & Pet #1" by Marty-Cruz - original sketch ($58) Signed 5,83”x8,27” 1 available
8. "Morphseeker" by Lorena Krause - limited edition print ($50) Signed 7”x11” 1 available
9. "Shell" by Elena Ospina - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 11”x16” 20 available
10. "Jimi Hendrix" by Anita Kunz - limited edition print ($300) Signed 14.5”x16” 1 available
11. "Rod Stewart" by Anita Kunz - limited edition print ($300) Signed 14.5”x16” 1 available
12. "The Unloved Ones" by Mario Sánchez Nevado - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 16”x11” 50 available
13. "Tea" by Lazarina Nedelcheva - limited edition print ($40) Unsigned 11”x19” 10 available
Week Four ~ 23rd - 28th Feb & 22nd - 29th March

1. "The Stones" by Anita Kunz - limited edition print ($300) Signed 14.5”x16” 1 available
2. "Bioseeker" by Lorena Krause - limited edition print ($50) Signed 7”x11” 1 available
3. "Can't Resist" by Lazarina Nedelcheva - limited edition print ($40) Unsigned 11”x19” 10 available
4. "Hex" by Mary Chiaramonte - limited edition print ($50) Signed 18”x24” 1 available
5. "Steampunk Girl" by Yating Sun - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 11”x17” 5 available
6. "Fox with Baby's Breath" by Yating Sun - limited edition print ($50) Unsigned 11”x17” 5 available
7. "Hide" by Lazarina Nedelcheva - limited edition print ($40) Unsigned 11”x19” 10 available
8. "Elvis" by Anita Kunz - limited edition print ($300) Signed 14.5”x16” 1 available
9. "Postcard Set" by Liran Szeiman - limited edition print ($22) Signed 4”x6” 1 available
10. Human & Pet #2" by Marty-Cruz - original sketch ($58) Signed 5,83”x8,27” 1 available
11. "Come Closer" by Lazarina Nedelcheva - limited edition print ($40) Unsigned 11”x19” 10 available
The Impact
The impact of your help will be to provide much needed funds to help animal charities in their crucial and critical work with animals, and environmental issues alike.
• To stop deforestation and land erosion.
• To stop animal trafficking and the extinction of species.
• To stop over fishing of the seas and illegal whaling.
• To stop animal abuse in many aspects from domestic/industrial and wildlife.

For more information, and to pledge some money to make this project work, or to pre-order a copy of the paperback or hardback versions, please visit the campaign site here . They have many perks and rewards to help you choose how to fund the project. For the cost of a cup of coffee, you could help make a difference.
Beautiful hard back book with presentation box sleeve. Each purchase here comes with a ePub version as well.
• 111 Full Colour Paintings and Illustrations.
• 111 Portrait images with pet of the artists involved.
• 11.6" x 11.6" in dimension
• Biography of artist and pets.
• Image description.
• Over 250 pages of literature.
• Including charities work program spreads.
• Contributor thank you section.
• Comes in a box sleeve presentation.
$65 + P&P - Order here
Beautiful soft back book with satin finish cover. Each purchase here comes with a ePub version as well.
• 111 Full Colour Paintings and Illustrations.
• 111 Portrait images with pet of the artists involved.
• 11.6" x 11.6" in dimension
• Biography of artist and pets.
• Image description.
• Over 250 pages of literature.
• Including charities work program spreads.
• Contributor thank you section.
$50 + P&P Order here
PDF of the book
An exact copy of the book in PDF format, to view on computer or tablet. Printing has been disabled.
$15 - Order here
A ePub version of the book. Redesigned to suit the ePub format.
$10 - Order here

For your interest, they have created a very cool infographic (of which a very small part is shown above) to help explain the contributors presence. The full PDF version can be seen here: http://www.creative-pet-project.com/pdf/infographic.pdf
The Creative Pet Project on Indiegogo